
"[I]magine a really chic 70s grad student who spends her Saturday night worshiping at the altar of Nicks."

You mean when redistricting happens? Yes. But the 26th was on the chopping block before this happened, and I doubt that even a strong Republican could have saved it (and Lee was only second-term, anyway): it and the 28th are ridiculously gerrymandered, the New York State government is Democrat, and New York is going

I love the photo of her in the blue dress. The wig is pretty drugstore Halloween costume and there is a big cat between her legs, but she is smiling! And it isn't a sexy, coy smile ... it's a pretty, happy smile! She almost looks like she is having fun, and that gives her a whole different look.

Is this really a setback for Republicans? Chris Lee gets shuffled out, and another Republican will get shuffled in to take his place representing District 26 in NY. It really has little to do with the lack of party discipline being exhibited by conservative Republicans in the House. The only tangential relevance is

Actually, I just discovered that you can still send PMs (I believe) through user profiles at the mirror site in the old design:

RIght - the whole notion of "mommy cards" assumes mothers are the primary caregivers.

I know; I looked at the website. My point stands, though. All of the specialty cards are exceptions to the "business cards for moms" description of the company.

I understand. I think we're still waiting on PMs. Hopefully they will come back!

Great pragmatic idea, poor sexist execution (in this particular iteration). "Mommy card"? Why not "parent/guardian card"? Is that gender neutrality not cute enough to sell calling cards like this? I understand the marketing angle for this particular company, but we can still criticize its choice to label these "mommy

Robert Peary is manly. Exploring the arctic is manly. Hanging out for pictures in the snow is manly.

Huh. They look like college students. Shocking!

I really wish we still had reply notifications! Thank you for sharing your viewpoint.

Yeah, it's not the responsibility of the FLOTUS to "advocate" for or "promote" a private industry.

"Banning a man from doing what his non-disabled peers can freely do feels discriminatory."

Pepsi cans were different in the 1950s!

The defenses of the Groupon ads are offensive and silly, just like the ads themselves. Those ads aren't some great commentary on the consumer, or the ridiculousness of celebrity charitable endorsements, or some joke about the disconnect between self-interest and charity. Why? Because Groupon trades in the attitude

Wouldn't this be a more appropriate picture for this story? Well, it would have been ... if it hadn't disappeared!

@LaComtesse: I've looked at, and interacted with the beta, and I really, really don't like it. The design is awful: much, much too crowded, with far too little negative space. It's actually more difficult to read, and the comment section design is very poorly conceived. It might be easier to navigate, but I will be

Fuck. The. Redesign.