Soda Costanza 2.0 (I got locked out of the old one)

Killing Coral would be a real bright spot for this year.

I’ll watch it and everything, but I really wish they wouldn’t.

The news rarely makes me laugh anymore, but I really laughed when I got this alert from ESPN.

I was going to say that it’s hard to imagine an even more incompetent version of Fredo, but then I remembered who we were talking about.

Oh no, it’s too bad The AVClub is totally against making the same jokes over and over again! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to imagine Jules Winnfield doing a Stardate 2517 monologue

Do the’s kids even get a say in the matter? Nevermind, I know the answer.

When I saw the cover I squinted in disbelief that she would be on there.

They should’ve got Danny DeVito.

I think that all NBA fans can agree, fuck Joey Crawford.

Or Chicago.

I mean I laughed pretty hard so yes.

That whole devils exchange was painful to listen to.

Do we still do that joke?

The home invasion scene immediately became one of my favorite action movie scenes. I love how he just moves through those guys like they aren’t even there.

With Vegeta I point to a scene from the most recent Future Trunks arc on Super. As they were preparing to go to the future to do battle, Vegeta was training and using the image of Goku Black harming Bulma and Trunks to push himself and get angrier. He doesn’t show it, but he definitely cares about his family. I

Nah, I bet he got hit with a blue shell at the finish line.

I was fully expecting C.C. to be lurking at the bus station looking for Ashley.

That was well worth the payoff, well done.

I wish I was rich enough to be considered eccentric. As is I’m still just weird.

I love seeing people who get punished for cheating complaining about how unjust the ban is.