
Must mention how Community was renewed on the ill-fated Yahoo Screen for its sixth and final season, where they found out a ton of people were watching the show after all. Nielsen ratings are hilariously unrepresentative of reality.

As I've said elsewhere, I think he essentially has a good heart but gets in the way of himself and doesn't address/own up to his bullshit, so he ends up doing shitty things sometimes, but he's still capable of doing good things. Kind of like most of us. I think he would be great after some therapy.

When I went there, it took every ounce of self-control to not yell a Master quote at him.

My body is ready.

I think he can be both. People can have both good and shitty parts, and I think Xander exemplifies that. I think he essentially has a good heart but lets a lot of bullshit get in the way and doesn't own up to or address a lot of it. He'd be great after some therapy.

Zeke was an absolutely perfect bailiff. I can just imagine the writers' room coming up with the roles for everyone — and then someone pitches Zeke as the bailiff, and the room erupts in laughter. Or something like that.

I started to watch this episode, and then I realized I just couldn't do it anymore. You're on your own … Godspeed.

I mean, a lot of top-shelf conductors have shit patterns, but that doesn't mean it's something to emulate when you're learning how to conduct. Would you agree that it can be a source of frustration for symphony players? I don't even know how anyone follows Gergiev … when I see video footage of him conducting, just

*clears throat*

I wrote a research paper on Nannerl Mozart, and her story is at times so sad and frustrating. She had loads of talent, and Wolfgang loved and encouraged her, but their father was so stifling. She could have been a good composer in her own right (or perhaps been trained as a singer and seen more of the world as an

Once again, Thomas and Rodrigo's behavior strains credibility. I mean, really now.

Cello miming nitpick: Cynthia really needs to figure out that vibrato technique.

Yeah, exactly. Rodrigo went through the trouble of securing the rehearsal space … and then they immediately perform anyway.

Agreed about the bold choice of Messiaen. And the folly of passing out parts the day of, which was totally unnecessary to the narrative anyway.

Having a documentary episode is almost a cliché at this point. Community skewered the practice several years ago in Season 2's "Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking":

Fair point. In other words, the Kathleen Battle.

Betty and Gloria have a great dynamic. Their negotiation is easily one of my favorite scenes so far this season.