
To be fair, Dexter is a much, much better show. Or, it was until they changed showrunners.

Exactly. Parks & Rec is a model in this regard — it spent the entire last season on the good stuff. HIMYM was paced horribly.

Soufflés, actually. Pies are for amateurs. And I would sing opera instead of cry.

Holy crap. That can't have been intentional … unless it was.

While I'm sure I'd be terrible at crime, I take a little solace in knowing I'd be somewhat better than Daniel.

I think you might be on to something. Considering the way she tied up Annie's loose ends in the video game and tried to fence the textbooks, they could almost just drop Shirley into the zombie apocalypse. And don't forget her supreme abilities of social manipulation (exemplified by her use of the MeowMeowBeenz app).

Maybe he can be driven into porn if they stop casting him …

She overacted pretty severely, though.

It's much worse on the facebook post of this article.

When you have access to someone like Rabbi Raquel, why would you go to anyone else?

No, programming is not easier than it looks. Mixing popular works with less well known ones is definitely a good option, but there are some major pitfalls to avoid. If things are thrown together too haphazardly, the audience can actually leave unsatisfied from being jerked around too much. Also, pieces that aren't in

I really need to find ways to work that into everyday conversation.

Yeah, I got the exact opposite impression. Jane Espenson seemed the most genuinely critical to me — "Oh, we really should've made that look better," whereas the rest of the cast and crew were just having a good time, and their jokes and barbs weren't meant to denigrate the show at all (often it was that typical

Honestly, I don't dislike season 1 at all, though a couple of the episodes are rough. I think most of the hatred it receives is undeserved. It's easy to forget the classic moments and hilarious dialogue just because of the 132 episodes that follow it, and Prophecy Girl isn't half bad as a season finale, save for the

Second best. I think Season 5 reaches higher artistic heights and deeper emotional depths. The way the entire season is crafted makes it so thrilling to watch how the story unfolds; the pacing puts the sad episodes and the funny episodes precisely where they need to be and increases the scope bit by bit until you

I always remember this as the bad hair episode, which brought us Buffy's regrettable experiment with short bangs and flashback Angel's Inigo Montoya realness. At least Willow isn't sporting the overgrown shag from the end of season 7.

This must be how I missed the reveal.

It can be really frustrating in A Song of Ice and Fire, which juggles so many storylines and starts EVERY CHAPTER like that. always felt like I was missing something even after the chapter provided context for how it started. It doesn't help that I was reading the book that corresponded to the most recent season, so I

As sad as I am that this show must come to an end, I'm happy with it ending here. The Season 6 finale was the perfect series finale. Season 5's finale was so unsatisfying by comparison. And now all we need is a movie …

Seriously, though … fuck flash. As satisfying as it is to watch it die a slow and painful death, I'd prefer to never deal with it again.