
Any computer beyond 2007? If you can play any Telltales games with your current computer, you can probably play this.

I would think Civ III would be when the Civ series got it's somewhat mainstream appeal. Then again, I don't think it even is mainstream yet.

Honestly, I was expecting a lot of the comments go hate this guy for bashing a system. But everybody seems to be in agreement that WiiWare is crap. Nintendo! You have a giant video game empire! Step your game up!

There was a report on this - It was something like 15% of Xbox Live users own more than 1 indie game. That's a REALLY tiny market that they're in. Instead of banding together (like PC Indie Devs), this one dev wants to be a douche. Nothing like watching a small segment of the population fight amongst themselves.

Ah, Online Pass - the best way to ensure that in a year, your game's online presence will die. In one year, all the people who buy it new will latch on to the newest games. In one year, the bargain hunters who waited to buy the game used will refuse to play online. Especially if they know nobody will be on there.

They have the hardest job in the world. To release a game many would feel is unreleaseable. I definitely think that Gearbox gave a release date to super-charge up the team to completing the game. The delay? Probably because of the competition. I even heard a lot of reviewers who played the game in it's entirety.

I hear that! It's the 'Everything new sucks' mentality - especially when it comes to music.

I used to get every generation of Nintendo portables as they came out. But after the Gameboy Advance and the Gameboy SP, I started skipping generations. I bought the DS and the DS Lite, and that was a pretty big leap to me. But I'm completely IGNORING the DSi's (and the XL), and I may skip the first 3DS.

I definitely find L4D way more enjoyable. I really attribute it to map design. L4D2's maps SUCK. They're too colorful, or too massive, or too... unrelate-able. But then I play No Mercy in L4D2 and it's fun! There's choke-points where we have to hold off that are visually and gameplay-wise interesting. I'd rather do

Compared to the original Left 4 Dead graphics? Or to gaming graphics of the current gen?

That's the problem. Everybody feels like THEY are the large demographic. Look at JRPGers, who see no problem in lolicon characters. Or the hipster, who totally believes everybody should have buttons and wear 1920s flight jackets. I think I'm a sizeable demographic - the PC loving gamer who also owns consoles but

Did you know you can get in trouble for using Google SketchUp to make a replica of your school? As in, FBI warning taps and possible arrest? For making a 3D MODEL OF YOUR SCHOOL?!

The average day, only about 3 or 4 Lifehacker articles apply to me. Doesn't mean I'll complain about the other 20 articles which don't apply. Lifehacker is diverse enough to give you tips about everything. Tech is a part of life.

If you can also write your experience with it and have a way with words, then game journalism is up your alley!

I was about to say the same thing. There's that wonderful story about the 13yo sending naked pictures to her same-age boyfriend got him arrested and charged as a pedo.

It's hard enough playing any FPS when there's 32 players. And by then, it's all diminishing returns. Half the time, I think I'm playing against bots.

That's BS. That's 2 examples out of 1000 really great games in the past 20 years?

I don't see a problem with that. There aren't enough rip-offs of Castle Crashers to begin with.

Me too! YES! Finally some attention!

I do the same. I'm currently playing the first Mass Effect. I have a bunch of old games that I need to get back to. And by the time I finish them, another year would pass and I'd start the cycle over again.