
They will double down.

He’s an actor, not a writer.

You misread this one too!

That’s how it look when kids who know they have bad teeth smile.

Maybe he got beat up during  anonymous sex.

When trolls hit a certain number, they simply become commenters, and the people who disagree with them are the trolls. It’s a hip hop flip flop.

I too was fooled.

Empire like krytonite to white folk

To be fair, Jussie is an actor, not a script writer.

Yeah, seems suspicious.

If you are singing school songs and a drummer comes up to you, you are gonna get more amped. Folks on The Root should know this.

She keep eating, she gon get bigger.


Per capita, they do!

spl center is a hate group.

They said the teens entrapped and harassed an old man. The old man was not trapped, and he was the aggressor. Not to mention the Israelite shouting racist shit at the teens was ignored. It was somehow worse for the teens to stand in place than for the adults to be assholes.

we’re not talking about that.”
Yeah, why not? Surely murder is more noteworthy than a beating. what is the roots motivation?

Yeah, trump HATES jews. And by HATES, I mean LOVES.

The truth is coming out. Praise the Lord

Dude, he instigated and lied