Terrible excuse for chili. I know a number of people who swear by it.
Terrible excuse for chili. I know a number of people who swear by it.
Note that 70% of NFL players are black, despite blacks being 13% of the US population. Is anyone going to suggest firing half the players in the NFL and replacing at least 20% of them with white guys?
And if a non-customer refuses to leave a restaurant, you gotta keep him...
I guess affirmative action wasn’t winning games.
They let the Browns guy suck for years.
His match with Big Show was better.
Man, 33, ‘who raped and murdered 8-year-old boy’s emotional support dog because it killed his pet iguana’ is released after posting $50,000 bail.
When people like 40-year-old mother Teresa Bradford is stabbed to death in her own home while her four children (the youngest is eight) are in the next room, we must wonder how, why, the man who killed her – her husband, 52-year-old David Bradford – was free to do so.
I got rid of Netflix once it became clear they were on a quest to normalize pedophilia.
“Claire McCaskill Hates on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez From Outside Congress Because She Can’t Even Get In”
Agreed. That’s why so many non-presidents dislike Trump.
The evil killer got it wrong.
In general:
I don’t think so.
Can you believe a man so publicly accused of rape would make that face? He should be smiling. I wanna see those pearly whites.
Why don’t they take false accusations seriously? I for one Believe Women, like Carolyn Bryant.
Maybe something from Armitage III.
If white people were so bad, Hispanics and blacks wouldn’t be in such a hurry to flee their own people to live among whites.
Israels wall works really well.
Isn’t John Kelly that guy who just got fired?
Send the kids back to be with their own people, who will undoubtedly treat them better. White folks are so bad that Hispanics are probably going to start fleeing the USA to be safe among their own people.