CP Bananas

The part that has never left my head:

I believe it rolled down some stairs.

Wooden shoe be if you had?

I'm sure it will survive tulip again.

You'll netherland a good job with that attitude.

Looks ruff.

You hate the Martian Hop? You really are evil!
(No, I get it; growing up on Dr. Demento really warped my tastes.)

I listen to all of these pretty often and unapologetically.
You can't tell me there isn't some major innuendo in the Little Space Girl singing,"I can really rock and swing 'cuz I've got more of everything."
My favorite representative of the genre has to be the Martian Hop, though:

I, for one, enjoy reading the Aeneid.

Well said. As a former Minneapolitan I feel like I'm even less cool now, and I wasn't that cool to start with.

Love this and can remember watching it. I'm guessing Ms. Cleary must have had some affection for motorcycles as she also wrote a great introduce-kids-to-motorcycle-safety book Lucky Chuck in 1984. Would love to know more.

And, of course, wrote the songs for Howard the Duck (with George Clinton, of all people):

Wait, they honestly didn't air this? I understand that there hasn't been any Music in MTV for decades, but now no TV either? What strange new media world are we living in?

Ah, 1988. Freshman year in the dorms. We could paint our doors and an artist friend from high school made good money working the halls. This album cover and the GnR logo were some of the most popular commissions. Them and knock-off Nagels (which my friend really excelled at).

Wow. After this I honestly believe they could pull off Comet, Streaky, and even Beppo.

No! No, don't go go!

…I have the mouth!

Seeing Britney and Antigone mentioned together reminded me of when her high school report on the play was auctioned off for $240. From the Christies catalog:

I didn't think he'd be the kind of guy to go around doing something terrible like that. Good to hear that his character is a nice boy. Will have to check it out now.