CP Bananas

This should be interesting. Saw him perform with an orchestra once and he'd done a great job of adapting and arranging his music for that kind of group.

Also, for the longest time I thought "Ben Folds Five" was meant to be a sentence, like he was playing poker or something.

Can't think of anything snarky; can't think of a joke.
You have made me so happy.

Does anybody remember laughter?

Hanks probably figured one "getting shot in the buttocks" role is all any actor can ask for in this life.

I make sure every student of mine thinking about grad school sees that strip. Pure genius. One of these days I'm going to get it framed and hang it on my office wall.

Thank you for this, Becca. As much as I enjoy the predominantly snarky attitude of this site, the sincerity of this piece is bracing, as painful and heartbreaking as it is. I regularly taught immigrant students in the Twin Cites (Hmong, Hispanic, east and west African) for a number of summers as part of an Upward

Not much to add; one of my favorites as well. Nicely put regarding the endings and what works on stage vs. on screen.

What if he's having Elvis' face tattooed on his face?
It's so crazy it just might work.

You and me both. Click, control+F "Hercules", and here I am.

Who's joking?

And then, like Arrow spawned The Flash, we finally get the Beppo the Super-Monkey spin off!

Or just one who's moved on to newer, perhaps less Stockholm Syndromey, characters.
Or, wait…
Maybe she specializes in them — Stockholm Sindy!

Ben-Hur, Done-That.

I think it was while watching this episode that I realized his name was a pun.
Such an old school comic book thing.

So the days of decrying "the decadent West" are officially over now, right?

I don't know; I heard they were really bad in this. Is that right?

Absolutely worth reading, although you might want to do the Omnibus vs. back issues math to see what works for you.

It's not perfect, but the art is great (obviously) and it's one of the most well thought out takes on a character who's rarely been portrayed so consistently for so long.

No, I meant "gamble."
(Thanks, @avclub-8fd7f981e10b41330b618129afcaab2d:disqus!)

Not your typical superhero movie?

That's an interesting tack… no, strategy… no…