
yay...? i guess???

You do a great journalistc job Jason, and I hope you keep doing it even if this shit comes up every know and then. Fuck them

at this pace he might not even finish the books. Not only is he slow, he has tons of side projects... it’s just stupid. I’ll watch the show, I’ve been waiting to know what happens with Jon for too long!

Awesome! I’m like 10 hrs into the first game, still not in love but entertained enough. Thanks for that :)!

really you got upset because it showed Sam being eaten? I bet you are one of those who swore not to watch GoT after Sansa’s rape. Sigh....

I loved the movie, just like every other Batman animated movie they have put out in the last years. Love Dick’s and Damian’s dynamic

new 52 batgirl

FF Tactics being called old is really hurting... I mean... I played it when it came out.... damn... But really great game!

The title is funny cuz it’s true. made me crack

I’m glad Geoff took a stand a bashed Konami’s name for this. Outrageous

I gave up on the game exactly there hahaha :( so sad... I was having a good time hahaha

Well, you can’t please everyone, and as Kotaku has shown us time after time, you seek to please us, your readers. And even then, you can’t please everyone, this being the internet, a nest for irrational beings. Anywho, keep the good work guys!

oh come on, it wasn’t that hard...

how is that theft?

and let us not forget about FLASH...ugh...

right, if they wouldn’t fill us with countless, stressful adds, we wouldn’t ever use adblock... but it was annoying... at least like 7 years ago, since I started using AdBlock... so, yeah...

So they just randomly ordered them? That’s why Digimon was never that relevant

In defense of Shadow the Headgehog, I remember having dope music...

it is when I was 3, I got sick and I the doctor told my mom I had to stay put all day. So she borrowed an uncle’s NES and she taught me how to play Super Mario Bros. She regrets it to this day, 22 years later....

If only all the lines in Destiny weren’t shit. But yeah, North is the man