@MakinBacon: "Sup, bitches!" was jarring.
@MakinBacon: "Sup, bitches!" was jarring.
@geHuC: I sometimes catch myself calling "Claudia" "Chloe".
It's an abomination! Kill it with fire!
@apierion: And Velociraptors were half the size shown in Jurrasic Park, feathered, and not from the Jurrasic period.
I blame WWII fallout.
@deep_fryed: Some say 'variety', but I think well crafted puns are the Spice of life.
@Andrizzleton: Happy Town seemed like a watered down Twin Peaks.
@3in1Doctor: all proceeds go to People for the Ethical Treatment of the Undead, LLC.
@jeers16: "Starship Titanic: The Motion Picture", however, might be interesting. (Just don't let Garth Jennings anywhere near it.)
@Tyrunn: Indeed. Take "Minority Report", for example. They had to reach into other PKD stories and even William Gibson's work to pad the film and as a reader of both, the seams were apparent, but I don't think anyone unfamiliar with the sources noticed.
@Andrizzleton: Nostalgia. Hollywood has moved past re-hashing the 70's and on to the 80's... and I, for one, can't wait for Hawaii 5-0 starting this fall on CBS. Of course, I'm being sarcastic about my enthusiasm, but I'm not shitting you about the show and I wouldn't be surprised if we see "Small Wonder: The VICI…
@blaaps: Standing self-defense against those that gather armies for the purpose of war.
@sephycloneno15: Thank you, nothing from Greenday after Nimrod has the 'loser rock' feel that made them famous.
@corpore-metal: Or decades that haven't been
@Bubbleman! Isn't a troll, he's a griefer: I still need to play the first half of Persona 2! Hey, Sony, how about porting that to PSN or PSP before releasing yet another version of Persona 3?
@ProfessorSara: It happened last year in Omaha. WBC had planned a few protests over the course of a day, but only showed at one, leaving counter-protesters at the other locations as the only demonstration there.
@MikeHerbst: People for the Ethical Treatment of the Undead (LLC) supports this message.
@Zuldim: Closest I've seen to what you're looking for I'd classify more as Sci-Fi Film-Noir; Cowboy Bebop.
@astrogea: Would Twilight's Bella be some kind of reverse Mary Sue, in that it's a character written in such a way (no-dimensional) that one easily inserts herself into the role as opposed to the author inserting herself?
@OddManOut: While it'd still weigh 6 tons, it'll be 40 ft *wide*.