I have asthma and my mom has COPD. One person’s flu is my bronchitis and her pneumonia.
I have asthma and my mom has COPD. One person’s flu is my bronchitis and her pneumonia.
Back when H1N1 was making the rounds, a former coworker had her son vaccinated (cuz he had asthma) but not yet her daughter due to limited supply of the vaccine. Her daughter got the flu and was out of commission for a couple of weeks. Her son got it too, but because he had the shot before the symptoms emerged, he was…
I kept picturing him as Bernie Sanders, but oddly enough, Larry David’s version.
You cannot talk of a precious fuzzball and not show pics. I demand Finn photos!
I hope his whole white trash family (except the little kid) does. And his co-conspirators in Congress. And Russia. And Jill Stein and every shitfart who voted for her. I’m...not doing the best right now.
Why would you want to poison that grand gator?
They might want to cuddle with each other for part of that ride, but I know I’d be ok with that.
They lack both the depth and warmth.
And this is why, even if there were a million witnesses, I would never* ever report a sexual assault that might happen in the future. Because no matter how strong or weak the case might be, the only thing people would pay attention to is the scars on my arms and the psych meds in my medicine cabinet. Thanks for the…
It’s like seeing a high-school kid’s book report on Atlas Shrugged.
It’s not as much of a stretch as you may think. For example, African* and Asian people have been present in England since Roman times (Roman soldiers from those continents would be sent to protect Roman Britain, and when their tours were up, some decided to stay and intermarry with the locals). The spread of Islam in…
I agree, and I have an irrational dislike of him (his face is just so damn annoying). Now if you really want to see him stinking up the joint, watch the eps of The Bastard Executioner* that he was in. That was odious torture.
Nah, it’s just another goddamn Russian. You can tell by the broken English. Native English speakers with bad grammar make different mistakes.
Why would you poison the gators?
I can call 911. My cat may be smart as hell, but he can’t do that.
Granted I haven’t read the DSM-5 cover to cover, but I’m pretty sure there’s no “being a racist shitstain” disorder. Kindly avoid associating mentally ill people with bad people.
So much wrong, including how it pisses on Robert the Bruce, but the greatest sin is having the battle of Stirling Bridge without the fokkin’ bridge!
These are the times when I envy octopuses and spiders.
Honestly, I think the world would be much better off if Russia suffered another Tunguska event with the Kremlin as ground zero. Aaaand I’m prolly gonna suffer a mysterious illness soon...
My boy is named Cashew, cuz he’s nuts.