I agree; we should give him some time. 25 to life to be exact.
I agree; we should give him some time. 25 to life to be exact.
Huh, I’m white working class and anxious as fuck about the economy yet I voted for Hillary, as did nearly all of my coworkers. The only difference is that we interact with people of all colors and religions every day and aren’t scared of brown and black people. But that can’t be it.
Hang out with us old fat broads. We no longer give a fuck. Problem solved. <g>
Yeah, the kid and Melania are literally living in an ivory (well, gold) tower. They can and should shelter him from all the crap out there and I’m including his father on that list. If he did see them, someone let that happen and that is pretty nasty.
I hate her the most. I think it’s because she seems like she could understand things, if she wanted to. Daddy prolly has dementia and Don Jr is a serial killer and Eric is a vampire, but she doesn’t seem to have any impediments to being a human and therefore has no excuse.
Even better, you can directly tweet her: https://twitter.com/MaryLeeShark
It’s def fake. White sharks suffocate out of water, and shark skin is actually made up of many tiny little teeth, so you don’t want to tickle their tummies. The person who posted these vids is clearly parodying some of the more famous You Tube vids (in one, he has the shark robot dressed as a cat and sitting on a…
What is this from? I love it!
Wow, Live Journal is still a thing?
I literally felt light headed for a few seconds there.
Perfect Sebastian Stan gif is perfect.
If Westeros decides on constitutional monarchy Davos is the perfect first Prime Minister. I’d love it if the show went in that direction.
Now I may be a biased sharky, but trust me, marine mammals are huge assholes:
I’ve never really believed the sexual assault claims (I can see Bill harassing because the definition of sexual harassment has changed a lot since the 90s so things that weren’t considered de facto harassment then are now) in the past because if they would make up conspiracy theories about them “killing” people,…
I’m in SW PA so hi kinda neighbor! You can always tell if someone’s from the city or country by their opinions on deer. City mice think deer are so beautiful and wonderful and are against hunting, while country/suburban mice are like “KILL IT WITH FIRE!”
Not bees. They’d die immediately after stinging, which they don’t deserve. Wasps. It’s about time those fuckers use their powers for good.
Well, I’m sorry that you feel reluctant to post controversial stuff, but I’m happy that you post Seb Stan gifs all the time.
Or compare him to mentally ill or disabled people. It’s bad enough that we’re going to be the first to suffer and die if Trumpcare is passed by the Senate; must people keep comparing him to us?
Even dogs are like, “woman have some self-respect!”