It’s a date!
It’s a date!
We’ve been joking about it but I really do believe that they’re fucking. If I were Jared, I’d demand a paternity test.
The first shark pic was titled sand shark, aka sand tiger shark, aka spotted ragged tooth shark, aka grey nurse shark, but I actually think it’s a dogfish. The second pic is of a nurse shark. The third is of a great white shark (surprise, white sharks have pretty blue eyes!). The fourth is of a white tip reef shark,…
OK, given that Orange Hitler and Repubs love Putin and Russia, this means that they are no longer allowed to talk shit about Islam and women anymore. Furthermore, if we’re going to ban immigration from any country, it should be Russia.
She could perfectly capture DeVos’ cluelessness.
They’re so fucking racist that even a story about a German immigrant makes them mad.
No wonder he likes Dump.
After PepsiCo discontinued Pepsi One (after a decade of never advertising it), I switched to Coke Zero. I’m very glad now.
And Teen Vogue.
Also Kate Winslet’s boobies will make every woman a lesbian and every gay man temporarily straight.
She never tanned her fair skin, which makes a very big difference. And clearly she doesn’t use the Botox, which is impressive (one would think more actresses would at least use it sparingly since facial expressions are so important).
I was half-expecting one of the tips to be “lie back and think of England”. Everything in that article was abstract and negative. The closest to being helpful was the last point, which was befriend the people who support the dictator (I think?), but given that this divide is happening in families (even when I pointed…
Once I finish my bunker I’m inviting Chris Evans. I’ll have to wear earphones when he talks about The Cheatriots, but otherwise it’s all good.
I’ve been calling him Putin’s Puppet, though it seems like Putin and Bannon share custody, so IDK...
And hacking. I reiterate this point not to excuse Hillary, but to remind everyone that who we run doesn’t matter a damn if the machines mysteriously go red when every exit poll is to the contrary. The discrepancy between the electoral results and the popular vote alone is enough to find something hinky.
Motherfucking Putin and his fucking Russian hackers are why Trump is president. Along with the email bullshit, they totally hacked machines in key states. Putin’s been working on his puppet for years; there’s no way he’d leave it up to chance once the voting began. Not to mention a 90-year-old great grandmother could…
What can happen if he tries to institute full on fascism in this country? We have impeachment, but if the Congress won’t/can’t do it can a president actually be arrested or something? Is there any recourse like there is if a military commander is clearly off the rails and is relieved of his command?
If things truly go as they did in 1939-45, we’re going to need some help for La Resistance: CA might have enough money and power to do so.