
Interestingly enough, after the Jews were expelled from Spain, Pope Alexander VI (aka the Borgia pope) welcomed about 9000 Spanish Jews into Rome and decreed that they be allowed to live their lives without any Christian interference. History is very complicated. Perhaps the reason why scientists like NDT tend to mess

Prolly. Once they got over the culture shock about technology.

Also, even un-educated people in the middle ages would’ve known the earth was round. Ever see paintings of sculptures in which a royal scepter is decorated with a globe with a cross on top? That was used to symbolize Christ’s dominion over the orb of the world. These kinds of symbols were used throughout the medieval

What concerns me about Sanders is that he’s always going on about the economy like it’ll magically fix other problems. He’s been told that the problems of racism and sexism are more complex than that, but refuses to consider that. And shit is really urgent now. While white men have the luxury of thinking solely about

1. That’s not how arthritis works you fucktard.

Do you think that anyone can just up and get handicapped parking permit? Of course the person must have a diagnosis from a legit doctor. Man, I pray my mom, who has an invisible handicap, never meets your ass. Also, read a damn medical text and find out how arthritis works.

Longcat is looooooong.

I call it the slut position, because I’m all about the shaming.

Well, if you do so I reserve the right to puke on your shoes if the funk is overwhelming. Only fair.

Nah, that was George McClellan.

Damn, mpreg is even older than we thought...

“My name is Alexander Hamilton/and there’s a million babies I will abort/just you wait, just you wait...”

Just think, these creatures are our distant cousins.

Chain maille and plate armor. With spikes on it. Poison tipped-spikes.

As Jesus himself said about homosexuality: “...”

I think that people tend to be either Mulders or Scullys when it comes to belief. Mulders have the kind of mindset that allows them to believe in some kind of deity while Scullys* are all about the proof. I’m atheist because I’m a Scully and even though I tried to believe, I can’t because that’s not how my mind works.

As much as I love him and his voice, I’m glad I’m not watching. I refuse to let anything ruin my memories of him as my beautiful Enjolras.

I love the MH dolls in theory, but I can’t get past the freaky lollipop head look. If the heads were more proportional, I’d probably have every one of those dolls.