
Speaking of Celtic languages, I just want to mention that Caitlin is bleeping pronounced Cathleen, damnit. It’s a losing battle, but I have to try.

More Brits pretending to be Americans. By now I’m thinking they’re doing it just to mock us, to rub it in that they can fake American accents way better than Americans can fake British accents.

So if the show doesn’t make it to a second season, they’ll sacrifice him to the Lord of Light?

You jest, but where I live (North Hills, just outside of Pittsburgh), it truly is uphill both ways. Riding a bike is like taking the Thunderbolt on Kennywood.

I propose we make this the new “lesbian shitasses” meme.

I wish I had 8 arms like an octopus so I could high five you 8 times for this comment.

I’ve been on both sides of the coin. I was thin during my childhood and teen years, and I got the eat a sammitch comments. They were annoying, but never hurt me because I knew it came from a place of envy (not being a “you’re just jealous” jerk here—the ppl commenting on how thin I was actually came out and said they

I like her already.

I dislike him for a very petty reason. His hair/skin coloring is identical to my former supervisor’s. She’s the daughter of Satan and certified Slytherin (seriously, bitch was sorted to that house at the Pottermore site) who deliberately set me up to get fired. Other kinds of redheads are ok with me, but those who

Yes, all women should be so tight that even a finger is painful. As long as men get that oh-so-desired “tightness”, even though the vagina is supposed to loosen in preparation for intercourse. This standard is why so many women resign themselves to painful intercourse because the man’s pleasure is 100% more important.

Alas, I doubt it’s covered by Medicaid.

This comment needs to be at the top instead of all the scare-mongering shit. People on this sit want to talk about scary? How about never having had p in v intercourse because even a finger inserted is painful. How about using only pads because inserting a tampon or (shudder) fucking diva cup would be unending pain.

Is he also a daywalker?

The pic is of the previous pope, Pope Palpatine. Pope Frankie never looks that scary.

The problem is that they put any sex outside of hetero marriage as a sin. So consensual het and gay sex and masturbation are just as evil as rape. Along with pathologizing normal sexual activities, it minimizes truly wrong acts.

So unfair that you were abused but I’m very glad your family did the right thing by you. I wish their reaction were the norm rather than the exception.

Well, there are plenty of non-cult families that have had to deal with child-on-child sex abuse, so the cult shit alone isn’t the only factor here. There are a lot of ideas as to why it happens, and there could be issues like Josh was abused at some time in his childhood, or the fact that the family dynamic is so

For me it was sharks from age 4 to today. A minor in dinos, but even then it was nothing compared to sharks.

Switch out “drunk” for “PMSing” and you have me.