cow drag

What would be cool is if something drove up behind you on a highway, “junctioned”, and started recharging at speed.

While I think a swappable “range extending caboose” that can be a big energy bank or even range extending generator is a simpler strategy for electric semis, something like a in-flight recharger could be

Lies! All ICE pump trips last 30 seconds, and all all EV recharges last two hours.

- Source: Jalopnik commenters.

Let’s just hope the networks will be reliably maintained, properly reported in apps, upgraded, and expanded.

A coalition is great, probably because a big government hammer / carrot for subsidies was a prerequisite, but the experiences I’ve read about non-tesla chargers seemed pretty frustrating, with chargers being

You must be writing this while waiting for your car to fill up at the local gas station which you have to go to every 2-3 days.

Luckily science and technology is shepherded forward by an intelligent, restrained, insightful, and wise fourth estate that properly frames steady advancements for the future of humanity.


The fact that jalopnik is ostensibly a blog about a subject that

This site writes articles about what I post / regurgitate from smarter people on reddit almost exactly 8 years after I say it.

Where are all the pro-dealership astroturfers?

Yeah, go hide in your closet of ties.

Thanks for the publicity.


Are you trying to pay off all the money you paid the CEOs of Exxon, GM, Ford, BP, and the coal company CEOs to give them blowjobs?

Charging port.

The fact that Fisker, which is probably one step behind Nikola in bullshit meter, admits this:

And... their stuff was based on semi-stolen QuantumScape stuff.

I noticed zero coverage of the Lucid delay announcement

This site puts the weird nerds defending elon gif up every time, but what is far more disturbing, of course, is what people put up with every day for the last 100 years:

Petroleum companies raping the planet, destabilizing governments (including ours!), stealing land, stealing money, polluting land, and risking our

Par for the course for this site. They live off of Tesla hate. This site literally withers and dies without Tesla hate. And probably get big ICE and big oil bribes, uh, advertising.

They try to round-robin the soulless hack posting so the affronts to their journalistic integrity aren’t concentrated, like the rotating

The injection of reality isn’t the Green Mob, its the lazy spoiled shithead american public that denies global warming, can’t wear a mask, and jerks off to Donald Trump that needs the injection of reality.

Yes, hybrids should be the short run solution.

But you blamed the wrong people, as is usual for a manipulated

“clean burning”

Another big lie.

The state of childcare assistance is as bad as the fake virtual signaling pearl clutching about child safety.

Of course we can mostly blame the GOP for most of both, although of course the Dems just sit by doing their shadow bosses’ wills. 

China doesn’t respect it. We probably import 100s of billions of china goods that violate US and other trademarks and patents.

This sounds like something that you let the courts resolve (you know, in about ten years or so). They are ALLEGING violations, and any large scale manufacturing product and conglomerate battle

In the age of the Excursion, people are complaining about cars being too big.

Somehow, I suspect this logic exists solely to be used against minivans. 

Why do MOPAR people talk about MOPAR? Because all the actual marketplace brands represented by “mopar” have been so badly managed that whatever fans they have have reverted to their parts company in desperation to find something that doesn’t immediately provoke laughter.

They don’t need 2/3 of current batteries. 

The #1 design goal of a chinese compact tesla will be a usable range from LFP chemistry. Most durable, best temperature ranges, good recharge rates, extremely cheap. Jeff Dahn has basically said a modern LFP battery will never degrade when discussing the “million mile