I was wondering why the deadspin feed basically went dead.
I was wondering why the deadspin feed basically went dead.
Tesla is the only company that can currently build EV at scale with usable margins.
VW may get there.
Anyone who thinks a bit of “political will” will close the gap with Tesla’s battery tech, industrial integration, and charging network, well, I can dream too.
Aerodynamics. Why bother?
Well, it is press release physics.
So... they’re going to put in a 150kwhr battery? Come on.
I would like to be pleasantly surprised, and I do think Tesla may be sitting on tech for much longer range batteries, but this seems implausible.
How is that not threats of terrorism by that umpire? Oh right, white, republican, “NOT A TERRORIST”.
By the laws passed and applied to non-white people, that is open and shut.
USADA seems to have completely different standards for fighting sports. Wasn’t one of the Mayweather fights clouded by a dubious result they basically ignored?
The environment and our future is, you shorter Ayn Randian dimwit.
“gubberment is bad!”
“your house is on fire...”
“Where is the gubberment?”
You mean once they have a minivan, hatchback, roadster 2.0, Semi, work van, station wagon, and spin off a high-end luxury marque and a low-end one, not to mention motorcycles, scooters, and other uses for high-quality batteries?
You’re right, they basically have unlimited growth to pursue. And credit is dirt cheap…
AOL was replaceable by a website and some PCs.
Tesla is replaceable if you dump 20 billion dollars into a battery manufacturing industrial base... and that will probably put you behind them by 5 years.
Get real.
As long as its the only thing getting whatever replaces Jalonik clicks? Yup.
Second gear: Yeah, every other maker is going down the tubes, business as usual
Third gear: Like this company, Nissan. Man are they screwed.
Just par for the…
Gymnasts have stubby arms and legs as well, due to growth plate compression/scarring/damage at the major joints
The IAAF had to ban the flip approach (think the main runs people do on gymnastics floor) in the high jump since it worked too well, and force people to run to the plant point.
That said, she’s just too short to get THAT high.
How many people did we kill in Iraq? Go look it up.
You have very very rosy glasses for the US.
And WE are primarily responsible for global warming.
Yeah, but if you’re going to go to the mattresses over the other guy, but not over the shit we do to the world, which is categorically worse than what China does, then you’re being implicitly hypocritical.
Shit we do: bomb other countries, pollute the entire world for a century, support LOTS of VERY VERY BAD…
At some point, people are going to have robots that follow them around carrying crap, be it little carts or full-blown bipedals or quads.
I’m not saying that those robots will be capable of conversation or self-awareness, basically that a relatively cheap robot dog to tote stuff for you, and probably also function as…
You project 20 years into the future but don’t think battery tech and recharging is going to improve drastically in that time?
“Maybe it’s an oil company play to keep their hands in the mix?”
Hint: Bush II was in favor of this.
“Or is it just a bandaid until we get something like hydrogen technology sorted out, making Hyundai, Honda and Toyota’s efforts worth it in the long run?”
... there is no hydrogen technology. Extraction of hydrogen (carbon-neutral) is a huge thermodynamic inefficiency that alternative power generation + transmission…
Yes, that’s a two-lane highway, and a TIGHT one. The driver would be freaking out the oncoming traffic, and if there is a collision, it isn’t a 100mph collision, it’s 150mph with the oncoming traffic.
Kinetic energy is the square of velocity...