cow drag

Hey, the Polestar is a true premium car engineered by real car engineers. You’re making it sound like Tesla engineers know what they are doing, which all of Jalopnik knows is false. TENTS! GAPS!

Because it has a grill?

“Points are reset for the playoffs” Well that’s dumb. 26 races and the winner doesn’t get any advantage?

Plus points are stupid when there’s also time, why not reward someone for dominating a race by a wide margin?

In the tour de france, you accumulate overall time, but the “same time” metric for the main field/peloton

Since everyone is doing SUPER useful stuff like “get a new job”, “only fly direct”, I might as well add:

Wait for self-driving cars, and let the car drive overnight while you sleep.

When self-driving cars (highway automated at least) become viable, airlines are going to be in serious trouble. 

I totally agree there needs to be stringent testing of automation features.

I disagree that the current regulation of licensed drivers is really that effective. It doesn’t keep old coots from mowing over people, drunk people from killing people, or idiots from smartphoning while driving.

Tesla is full of shit in self-driving, but your argument is to use a gif of a human going full idiot?

I thought the TDI diesels were getting fake fuel economy as well as emissions? Granted probably better than a gas engine.

Your average speed is 22 mph? Ye gods. 

Thank you. The OP BMW is about 4/10 as purple goes.

“Just slow down and relax”...

... this is Jalopnik, dude.

... edit: Oh, it’s Lifehacker, which probably is all Toyota drivers. Continue following all directives!

Yes, it’s a Buick. For old people. Who want big knobs for their arthritic hands.

I’m not even mocking them. Baby boomers are old and numerous.

In quantum physics, he both shook and did not shake the hand. Also, what exactly is touching? Two sets of atoms repelling each other? Do they actually touch?

There are infinite universes where an infinite number of handshakes occurred.

Barry Sanders is the only guy I watch highlight reels of on a periodic basis. Ok, Michael Jordan too.

You have to fail to be a failson.

If the Twins played with their team visibly buzzed, they probably would have done better.

The midwest encourages hard work and overachievement. It provides less distraction, and more stability. Since their budgets are lower, they tend to do more with less talent as well.

It’s a formula for doing well in the regular season, which is a grind, but in the postseason it results in teams that are lazier and more

Great news! Turkey gets to kill 2 million Syrian Kurds, personally ok’d by Trump, who has two towers in Istanbul.

You must be ecstatic.

Wow, what an enlightened evolution from the normal denier. The I-don’t-give-a-shit. You sir are on the vanguard of fuck-the-world people, a man (presumably) that blazes a trail through the dark forest of dipshittery. Why, you might even have a cigarette dangling from your mouth, ne’er-do-care for the world.


50 klicks of climbing is a lot, but should be doable for some tour pro in the offseason. Does Zwift not properly reward climbing elevation in the game or something?

Climbing is hard to properly simulate on a stationary bike. It isn’t just a matter of increasing resistance, in real climbing there’s no coasting like