cow drag

Kei class rules stipulate a maximum engine size of 660cc and power of 64 horsepower, though it’s not clear if this concept is intended to be electric or not.”

If the japanese were smart they’d raise this for EVs, to nudge along the transition.

Kei cars should enormously benefit from skateboard design opening up

I’d be really interested to know this. Personally I think this is a loss leader, and maybe next generation they’ll hit the profitability numbers.

Also depends on how VW does accounting on the entire shift-to-EV company-wide investment.

Don’t those all start in the 50-100k range? Price points and all that.

Unfortunately, when the wealthy own almost all the wealth, jobs that build them overpriced things they buy may be the best one can hope for.

As much as it was fun mocking Porsche stans from the Nurb, this is just awesome news.

The EV movement needs a bona-fide second success, since GM dealers killed the Bolt through willful ignorance and the iPace seems to be floundering.

Holy crap, that tai chi to graduate sounds like the beginnings of Mass Games in PRNK. That’s a bit scary.

And promoting chinese traditional medicine... probably nascent antiscience/anti-intellectualism. 

Yeah, uh, when? What’s the vaporware factor on this? 

“Actual design on the front”

You mean the grill that cools nothing and reduces range?

Once EVs take over, EVs with superficial grills like this will be laughed at.

10% of a SINGLE YEAR of the military budget would solarize our home power generation. That might leave out load balancing and backup generators, but whatever.

Considering the Navy exists primarily to secure shipping lanes for oil tankers (talk about a subsidy), this would pay for itself in a miniscule time. 

It’s my impression that construction on highways still is only at “hey, we put down cones and we’re good” in terms of warnings. I still have maps routes that send me through known long-term construction (like: BRIDGE IS OUT) in rural areas. This is google maps which I’m almost certain is about as aggressive as

I stan for Tesla routinely because they are a great hope of de-carbonizing transportation, but their shenanigans on self-driving should be 100% strictly regulated and investigated.

Why they were allowed to roll this out without some strict testing by NHTSA really shows that the problem here is NHTSA not having its act

Well you’re gay, a pedophile, cheat on your wife, sell your children to slavery, cheat on your taxes, and are a homicidal sociopath, so that makes sense.

The only thing you guys should be allowed to dig in is “was this really medical”?

If it is and its not injury, then full stop. You know, like you told us all for Drew? Respect HIPAA and medical privacy you assholes.

It is amazing. Was this the #1 magazine in the US? I get they had Rick Reilly and some tiresome tropes in athlete spotlights, and that whole soft porn thing, but THIS brand can’t make money or support a staff?

If I agree with this, do I get ungreyed?

Again, I can only dream. We’d get rid of .001% of the national debt!

Why? Iran using dirty bombs in defense doesn’t give the US permission to use nukes and introduce fallout to other countries.

Instead it would verify that the United States was reckless in invading a country that wasn’t attacking it to the rest of the world.

Why is one exigent threat being equated with something that isn’t nearly as dangerous?

Don’t get me wrong, I am concerned about lots of environmental issues since I’m an ... environmentalist.

But this is just bullshit false equivalency and really is a red herring. This is basically the first page of astroturfing info

Fuck Turkey, those genocidal assholes. And that was before Erdogan. Who gives a shit what they want?

The Kurds are the most sane actors in the region, and deal with us on an even keel even though our actions have resulted in them getting gassed by Saddam Hussein with chemical weapons that WE GAVE HIM.

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