
Even assuming that this is a man who has never had to cook for himself in his entire life, you can't possibly go to a restaurant and not see many different preparations of eggs on the menu or at other tables. The only way to reach adulthood and not know that there's more than one way to prepare eggs is to be

Wait. Are you the guy? Are you the guy who managed to make it 20+ years without having seen an egg cooked in any way but scrambled?

You have picked a really weird cross to bear if this is the type of person you'd not want called dumb via a headline.

I'm baffled at how a grown adult could go through 20+ years of life and not notice that eggs come prepared different ways. That's some high-level obliviousness, right there.

not caring how they're done and not knowing multiple ways TO COOK EGGS are completely different.

Vegan steak, in that it's from a cow that ate only vegetables.

After a few minutes, I returned to the table. The man ordered a hamburger.

Well, that's it then. The last reason men are useful has effectively been grown in a lab. I might as well move myself to a deserted island somewhere to live out my days in isolated solitude. Call me if there's anyone left who needs me to open a jar or something.

I notice that you are supposed to drink it out of the can like a peasant, it appears to be the color of urine when placed in a glass, combined with the odor it does raise a few flags.

Does anything else really need to be said?

True story: my great grandmother, literally, was Native (I actually know this). She died when I was maybe 18 or 19 - before she lost her memory, she talked a lot about her family's history, growing up Native and victim to racial prejudice. My life, on the contrary, has been full of white privilege and class privilege

Is 1/12 even a valid fraction in this situation?

White people are so afraid of being called racist that they can't take a step back, look at their own assumptions, exercise some self awareness and say to themselves, "Yes, I am also kind of a racist, because I live in a society that, until less than 50 years ago, was trying to make white supremacy work, and my

This was horrible. I mean these fans were having a good time minding their own business, when all of a sudden a bunch of strangers barge in invading their space, trying to force their beliefs on them, calling them names and leaving the fans feeling totally denigrated and completely attacked.... wait...

Don't you know that being labelled a racist is, like, the worst thing ever? They're not racist, they're nice people!

Just wait until you admit you like well-done steak on kitchenette.

Cool story, bro.

She's probably very sensitive about her skin to the point where any mention is humiliating to the extreme. Tread carefully.

What about "feminist" men who tell you you don't "need" to shave your legs, wear a bra or put on makeup...and don't get that they are still men trying to tell women how to look in order to reflect their tastes properly to the rest of the world?