I wish it were more uncommon. I don't think I've heard it since my grandfather passed away years ago. He was born in 1918.
I wish it were more uncommon. I don't think I've heard it since my grandfather passed away years ago. He was born in 1918.
Except that quite possibly the biggest piece of shit was the woman in charge of all the men.
Your point was that only 2 women commit crimes without being "forced into by society" - and then I named 4. So you were wrong. Then you decided that even 4 wasn't enough and that really that wasn't your point anyway - even though that was exactly your point. Then you decided that really your point was not that the…
Okay, so now you've moved the goalposts. It's fairly telling that they made Heely into a hugely sympathetic character this season and the have Daya feeling awful for sending Mendez to prison. I don't know what's Daya baby daddy has really done wrong? I mean, Daya is kind of pissed at him sometimes but he hasn't done…
Remember how I pointed out that this is a minimum security prison? It's not where hardened criminals go. I'm sure men in prisons also have sympathetic backstories, but since this is a show about a women's prison, it isn't going to show them.
No, the fact that you have very staunch MRA views but are commenting on Jezebel makes you a troll.
You said there aren't more than two, I listed four. That's like a third of the people who's backstories we've been shown. That seems like a fairly reasonable percentage for a minimum-security facility. It's not like it's…
I know you're a troll but I just can't resist saying that multiple characters have been shown to be totally responsible for their crime (not "society") Off the top of my head, the stalker lady and the one who stole stuff while she worked for TSA. The one with cancer also completely admitted to stealing purely for fun.…
You are disgusting. I think people like you are a menace to society, and yet...I don't wish death upon you. Have a nice life.
Because that's the only reason someone could possibly find themselves in Rikers. NOT.
She's describing people dying, and you seemed to be in favor of it when you said,
"Strangely enough the number of dead folk who commit crimes is zero... so yeah. That will cut down on re-offending."
You really think committing a crime means you deserve to suffer from untreated, painful and life-threatening illnesses? That was the main point, if you would have actually read it, you would have noticed that. Even when we executed people we at least attempt to minimize the suffering involved because we have this…
You are seriously saying that someone who smokes a few joints deserves to die from untreated illnesses. Oooookay.
I saw the title of your article and thought...I bet raw milk's on that list! I love that GT is such a pro-science community when it comes to food. It's really interesting that milk is what the whole commenting section is arguing about. It's such a trendy topic lately.
You do know that we all have to be inspected, regardless of if we sell milk raw or the regular way, right? And that dairies don't process their own milk (except for small specialty folks)? And that if someone did get sick from our milk we'd be hit with a huge lawsuit faster than you can blink? But yeah, we're cutting…
So if some of those bacteria also happen to be life-threatening, you're cool with it? Just eat some yogurt.
That's completely made up...
It's the fat content that makes it taste better. Whole milk at the store is 3.25%. Raw milk from a regular farm will be 3.5% to 4% and Jerseys could be up to 5% fat.
It's highly unlikely that the pasteurization is causing the taste different. It's far more likely that the higher fat content of milk straight from the farm, and the lack of homogenization, is what you are sensing.
It most likely tastes different (better) because of the higher fat content. Whole milk at the store is standardized down to 3.25% fat, while milk straight from a farm will run anywhere from 3.5% to 4.5% plus depending on the breed.
Oh, one of the least effective types of birth control. Good luck with that.