
No one is forcing anyone to take birth control here. ACA has said that BC is an option for anyone on health insurance because it is a legitimate medicine. In fact, Hobby Lobby doesn't have to offer any insurance options at all if they don't want to - but by offering an incomplete plan, they can now prevent any women

They don't have to and are not paying for it. If they choose to offer the OPTION to their employees to PURCHASE a plan with that employees' own money, then ACA has said BC should be an OPTION in that plan. Do you know of any company that gives their employees free health insurance? No? Me neither. We as employees pay

The fact that Carrie Underwood is a vegan and no one that wears cowboy boots un-ironically would publicly admit to liking her. I imagine their must be wine bars somewhere around here, though I've never seen one.

recreational drug:

For a much, much higher price. I highly doubt Hobby Lobby pays top tier wages to their cashiers.

Hilarious that my choice to delay having children until I can afford it is me being "irresponsible". I'm happily married and only having sex with my husband, by the way, just like the good ol' bible tells me to.

the only region that's even remotely related to me and that i can understand at all (great plains) also has a glaring error. Fail.

Any true Great Plains basic bitch loves her grass-fed steak WAYYY too much to be a Carrie Underwood fan publicly (she's vegan).

What's to say these girls aren't doing well in school or in clubs already? And I gotta say doing well in school got me shunned and made fun of far more than acceptance and approval.

Goat s farm are few and far between. It's far more likely they would take this skill and work on a dairy farm with cows, which is rarely seasonal in the US.

I would expect a modern milking parlor should be able to milk upwards of 150 goats an hour. The fastest cow parlors go at least that fast, and cows give nearly ten times as much milk.

Working on starting my own dairy farm right now. I feel you.

That's a really interesting point about child support, I never thought of that. There definitely needs to be a solution to that.

Because they don't have to pay for food or housing or any of the other stuff that minimum wage is supposed to help people pay for.

Eh, if it's got several thousand goats it's pretty much just standing in one small area (the parlor) milking the goats as they come in. Not real attachment-making, but it's still nice to be around animals. They would have specialists called herdsman to actually deal with the goat health.

But why is milking goats where the problem is? I'm assuming that you mean all prison labor in general, there's nothing inherently worse about milking goats?

I bet a lot of folks love a chance to work with animals as part of their job.

With experience milking goats, prisoners would have some experience that applies to any job in animal agriculture. It may not be the biggest sector of the economy but it's still there.

Twelve year old sluts, man, always accusing people of assaulting them when clearly they wanted it! Amiright? /s

Actually, people go back to their abusers all the time. It's quite common. And being a "pervert" doesn't give other people permission to assault you.