
Yeah it is definitely confusing. The general idea is that you as a Grey are always going be default grey. Specific comments of yours, however, may be un-greyed by someone who is Not A Grey (a White?). They do this by recommending it and or replying to it I believe.

That's the foreword, not the conclusion of the study.

The difference is that this troll is grey and I am also grey, so I can poke them without giving them any publicity or promotion. If they weren't grey, I would be pushing them to the top of the discussion which I believe is the primary thing we are all trying to avoid.

Umm, that study just says they can't reliably determine anything.

That is not true - when you correct for hours worked, etc, the wage gap shrinks but certainly still exists. What you are saying is in fact equivalent to this:

Can you just banhammer him? Pretty pleeease?

Eh, in my experience adopting a dog two years ago, 19 out of 20 rescues I looked at required a fence.

Mmmmm...bloomin' onion.

Just because some people of a race do something, doesn't mean it's okay to racially profile everyone of that race.

My boss has a story about this that involves Norwegian meatballs and the way his family "must" eat them - and then they were nothing like that in Norway. He has told it so many times I really never understand the significance.

10,000 lakes = plenty of beaches. But I agree about winter.

The reason my disinterest in women's sports is different from SI disinterest in women's sports is that SI is ALL ABOUT SPORTS. That is a huge difference. I don't watch any kind of sport.

Why are they more interested in sports played by men? Is it perhaps because sports played by women are given almost no airtime or coverage compared to male sports? Could it be because a man watching a WNBA game would be mocked? CRAZINESS!

On black people versus white people - nope, not even a little bit. I just browsed the 2013 covers and there about 60% white people. It's self-fulfilling prophecy. What about auto racing makes a female less good at it, inherently?

In might not be sexist to prefer one particular player over another, but when the media and pop culture systematically either ignore or mock women's sports, it's a fucking problem. Not to mention the male version of sports has in most cases been around nearly a century longer than the female version. Sometimes, to

Your argument is based on the fact that I in particular don't like women's sports? I don't like ANY sports, regardless of gender. I'm an equal-opportunity sport hater. Stop pulling the reverse sexism card. IT'S NOT A THING. MEN ARE NOT A HISTORICALLY OPPRESSED GROUP.

I could list ten female CEOs for you right now too, does that mean there's no problem there either?

Reverse sexism is not a thing. Men are not a historically oppressed group. And yes, I really do think if women's sports were not constantly denigrated and ignored, it would make a huge difference.

So basically your defense of SI is "sexism sells so it's okay"?