
Birth control says right on the package that it's only about 99% effective even if you're using it properly. So every year, 1 out of 100 women ACTIVELY TRYING NOT TO PREGNANT will get pregnant anyway. So multiply that by the MILLIONS of women on birth control in our country and whaddya know, unwanted pregnancies! I

I love this comment so much. You should put it on a billboard or something.

Congrats on your new gig, Kyosuke!!! You are awesome!

I find this stuff totally fascinating. I should have gone into wound care.

I have encountered some pretty large cysts on cattle, and yes, when popped, pus rocketed out. I actually started laughing hysterically and the other person in the barn thought I was crazy the last time this happened.

Ask women where they encounter more sexual harassment — in the gaming world or in other parts of their lives. Hands-down, most women will say the gaming world is worse then the other parts of their lives.

I am indeed curious to see this research. I am still waiting for links to it.

Also, you said you did "research". I was genuinely curious if I had been misled, and lo and behold, you don't have any research to back up your side and yet, I have pretty solid research to back up the 1 in 5 number.

Why are you responding to me me if you want to "shut me up"?

And you respond with a link to a men's rights group. Isn't that fascinating.

Please, do link me to your research.

I'm only 5'7" and all my pants are about an inch or two inches too short, but finding "talls" is near impossible and then they're too long! It's like guys, I'm NOT EVEN THAT TALL! US pants sizes suck.

Ummm...dairy farmer here...cows fart all the time...

I've been in barns with 1,000+ cows with no issues like this. I've never heard of anything like this ever happening — and if poor ventilation could cause this, I would think it would be at least "heard of"? I mean, we all try to have good ventilation but some older barns can make it tough, especially in the cold.

I felt the chances were about 50/50. Yes, that's the Kotaku commentariat :)

I really hope that was sarcasm.

0.01%? One of every five women in the US has been sexually assaulted (in this isn't even far as assault, the numbers are much higher when it comes to harassment). So your stance is that there is a tiny number of dudes that just run around assaulting every woman they meet? Even if that were the case, with the huge

Congratulations, you just figured out that the patriarchy hurts everyone! Here's your graduation certificate from Feminism 101.

I'm a dairy farmer, and I honestly don't believe this...there has to be more to the story.

Where does it say that in the link?