Can I bedazzle my lobster and eat it too? Pretty please?
Can I bedazzle my lobster and eat it too? Pretty please?
I thought cleaning your plate was no longer en vogue? Like, because it taught us to over eat and contributed to the obesity epidemic or something? I definitely try to stop when I'm full and it helps me enjoy my food more and stay healthier, but once you've paid for something it's hard to stop. Especially if it also…
When I was Googling "should I have children" a Jewish advice column thing came up and it made basically this point to the couple that was asking if they should have kids. He said the souls of their future children were stuck in cosmic transit or something strange like that.
Luckily most of the commenters ripped the…
My favorite part is now my husband can't tell me I'm sleeping too much! Score!
Reminds me of a time at a college party where I had been drinking and dancing with a guy, maybe a kiss here or there. Then it was time to leave and he starts yelling about me leaving him with blue balls. "You're just going to leave, huh?!?!"
I said "Yep!" and went home. The shocked look on his face was priceless. Very…
Really? Are you just being condescending? I am pretty sure I am a millennial and I would think that 9/11 is what would be considered a "seminal cultural moment"
Yeah, I have to say my grandfather had no idea whatsoever how to cook or do laundry. He didn't even know what pills he was supposed to take or when, which was a challenge when my grandmother died very suddenly during a routine procedure.
My dad (his son) does almost all the cleaning, cooking and a fair amount of…
OMG me too. Thank you for telling me I'm not alone. My husband is a great guy but in bed is is just so....plain vanilla. Despite constant requests to spice it up if he wants us to do it more.
I agree with you but I have a hard time controlling my emotions related to that sometimes. All these women out there who are SO EXCITED to get on Facebook and call themselves Mrs. Husband and immediately change their name like it's the coolest thing in the world just give me the heeby-jeebies. I keep reminding myself…
I actually half-seriously considered this option. Both names are like 5-6 letters and would have combined perfectly if you go like every-other letter.
Applause to your husband for considering hyphenating. I was going to keep mine, but husband was all sad-face so I decided to hyphenate. My husband wouldn't even consider hyphenating or changing his because it was "weird". *eyeroll*
My mother hyphenated. She tells the story of telling my dad he should change his name (because she had a very public career that rested on her name and he had a very private one so if he wanted one name, why didn't he take hers?) and he said, "I've had this name for thirty years, why should I change it now?"
She just…
I hyphenated because I am a coward but also wanted to keep my name. It didn't really help. I still get all the weird judginess. My husband has now seen the judginess, though, and taken my side in it. Silver lining.
I don't see any reason that her post wouldn't also be relevant men who wish to get in shape. She's challenging anyone with "an excuse" by showing that she overcame a fair amount of challenge (presumably giving birth to three children). Like, "Wow, I haven't gone through nearly what she has so I have no excuse!" Yup,…
As approximately ten thousand people have pointed out - the problem is not with her body or her looks or her picture or posting her picture. The problem is what she said. I haven't seen anyone (although there may be a few) bash her for what she looks like. Only for the things she has said.
Did you read the posts about men disagreeing with men vs. women disagreeing with women? She's not a woman talking solely to other women, she's a person talking to other people. People have the right to criticize her, agree with her, or not give a shit about her.
It's highly likely that some of the other commenters…
And we are also free to express our opinion that she is an asshole. Yay liberty! We all know that she has freedom of speech (to be an asshole) and so do we (to tell her she's an asshole), so it's kind of a waste of space to keep pointing it out.
The issue is not that he expressed an opinion, the issue is that he had to point out that it was a man's opinion, as if that somehow made it special or more important.
Although I do take issue with some of the things he said - see comments further up the page re: women criticizing women being less acceptable than men…
Don't you know if you just quit eating sugar/gluten/meat/dairy/fat/carbs/food you could TOTALLY fix that? Sheesh do some Google research on health!