Sick Lee

You’re just mad because imaginary Cousins averages a triple-double on the Celtics and the imaginary Wizards trade away John Wall and move to Butte, Montana and change their name to the Butte Bullboys and toxic waste spills on the imaginary Deadspin office and you and Petchesky body swap which is fun for a few days but

1) So this reminds me that it might be a good time to elaborate on a little thing called game theor

This is so amazing. The Jeff Fisheriest thing that could ever happen...

On the bright side, this should give the Rams some added leverage when negotiating Fisher’s next contract. 

That’s a garbage take.

This is the opposite of the point of the post. I kept waiting for him to spit on your kid or something

If you look closely, none of those shots went in


It’s good to see that a league that allows this to be on the field is so concerned about the fashion sense its players exhibit.

If you’re not from Brazil, it’s hard to understand the magnitude of this tragedy.

On the bright side, they missed out on this election too

Thank you for posting this. As soon as I stop crying for the 75th time I’m getting on the Addison bus with a box full of chalk. I have quite a few names to add to that wall.

My grandfather died without ever having seen the cubs win the world series. So, my Dad, ever the crazy asshole he is, brought a radio out on the porch so gramps could listen in from heaven. We all thought he was going out there to jack off, but nope he was going out there to be with his Dad, which I thought was sweet.

I owned two college basketball jerseys in my time...

“I think we’ve lost who we are.”
“Who are you?”
“We’re the Boston Red Sox.”
“[whispers] I think we need to sit Cam out.”

Damn. If only this saltiness could be melted down and put into a syringe I’d inject it between my toes or wherever I still have good veins.

And we have reached the climax of a year long foreplay session. Thank you