I commented to the original post but the guy Julian Green is a former Obama Press Secretary. So I think it’s more about people who try and control the narrative and less about their politics in this case.
I commented to the original post but the guy Julian Green is a former Obama Press Secretary. So I think it’s more about people who try and control the narrative and less about their politics in this case.
Julian Green is a former Obama press Secretary from his Senate days, for what its worth.
Yeah a 12-11 game won on a walk off HR is boring.
Is Tim Anderson turning the corner and going to be a good to great offensive player this year? His early career stats remind me a little bit of Baez, just a little less power and a little more speed.
Lou has primarily his whole career been the 6th man, and he continues to be the 6th man this year. Not sure what opportunities he is getting now that he wasn’t getting in 2009?
So what’s the odds Vlade fires Luke Walton to hire Kokoškov?
You don’t spend $330mil on a player not to win the division, unless you are the Angels...
But is it a Flagrant 1? My understanding if you make a play on the ball, that should not be a flagrant. Seems to me it became a flagrant once Dudley made it a thing.
I don’t think Embiid was going for ball but I think he actually at least got ball first and then arm after, so I actually tend to align with Reggie on this one, I don’t think it’s a Flagrant 1that’s for sure.
Rick Renteria and Dale Sveum, two all time Cubs managers!
I was borderline B team on my CYO team outside of Rochester, NY. Family moved to Chicago and my dad asked if I was going to try out for the middle school team. Shrimpy 5'3 kid with no outside shot, I told him, “The guys can dunk Dad, I’m going to save myself the embarrassment.”
This actually kind of works towards those who believe the RBI is meaningful.
In the last video there is a person who thinks the best way to catch a cat is to just run at it and hope it stays still, obviously not a cat person.
You must have done really well last year when Loyola (Chicago) made their run.
A little heat from Deadspin probably helped.
Joe Maddon was doing this a couple years ago where he would send Travis Wood or Mike Montgomery to LF for a batter or two. Could add some new wrinkles I don’t think it kills the LOOGY, I think it does wipe out most of the population though.
This take is tired and boring. Young will be really good, and the 1st round pick the Hawks got for this upcoming draft could also be really good.
I thought Tom was being pretty tame until the end... shots fired!
Woah, the comments on that article don’t age well haha