Cousin Ruben from Skokie

they still don’t have a solid offense, which has been a problem since at least 2010

That was how the Dodgers’ legion of GMs identified him as undervalued; their front office picked out spin rate as the new Moneyball a few years ago.

And yet, the final score says different.

Shots fired.

Sounds like if you walk past this guy on the street there is a 50/50 chance you might get clocked in the face. Not sure what the solution is but seems like he has had many years to try and get better and hasn’t. If you do any research on his past you realize he is a ticking time bomb. From the article four years ago

Now playing

Let us not forget the time she put a mic in Win Butler’s face then removed it when she didn’t like him talking “politics” instead of “celebrity stuff” when he mentioned healthcare for all and taking care of people.

Or maybe you should do some research on the issues of mass incarceration in our country and learn something before saying things like “our collectively established legal system” like our legal system should be treated like some holier than though system that doesn’t continue to fuck up and target specific people based

Are you the ghost of Jerry Krause?

You mean like literally beat the shit out of the Suns leading by 20+ points for the majority of the game?

But you do know the difference between two and three right? Because that was two steps.

Looks like a Michigan fan to me.

It would actually just make it so trades like this would never happen. And then it would be boring, not fun. But keep the takes coming!

It’s just like Wrestling, all the drama, good vs evil, only difference is the games aren’t fixed... oh wait...

You are assuming the arbitrator would have accepted 4.2 million. You are also assuming the agent wanted to win arbitration. Maybe he wanted to put a spotlight on how shitty the Yankees and Randy Levine treat and value his client. Which he successfully has done through Levine’s ridiculous and tone deaf news conference.

I do, I don’t think you or Randy Levine do.

Yeah, fuck that agent for trying!

This is a team that has never been to an NCAA tournament game and will most likely make the tournament for the first time ever this year.

Shit, out of all the things to protest... this is probably down there next to more raisins in my Raisin Bran.

I mean I was entertained I guess when I did watch him spit his mouth guard at the Blazers bench that one game (I was watching that game for some reason...) but entertained in the same way I am when I go down a conspiracy rabbit hole on youtube and then feel like I need to take a shower after.

I literally can’t watch the Kings they are so boring to watch, so serious question, what is entertaining about the Kings?