Cousin Matthew's Tingling Leg

I assume you are talking about MA. Here in NYC it’s even worse. The most awful aspect, of course, is the complete abnegation on the federal level on how these “miracle vaccines” would be administered, leaving the states to their own devices. The country does not lack for petty dictators, and covid-19 provided an

Just ask John Cleese how expensive ex-wives can be, and he only has three of them. Larry King had six, seven if you count the woman he married and divorced twice, eight if you count Shawn King, though they were not technically divorced. He also had five kids, two now deceased, so he’s probably been on the hook for

That last still of the puppet grating it’s own cheese made my heart grow three sizes this day. And I’m a childless man who’s been cooking for himself and others for over three decades.

Not only that, but I’ve been in the same room with Kim Cattrall a handful of times and she is incredibly, almost supernaturally, friendly and fun-loving if you don’t come off like a completely star-struck ass.

I think SJP and Cyn Nixon sampled from the same batch of mushrooms but then went on very different trips. The one everyone forgets about is definitely coked to the gills. Kim Cattrall, well who knows, she’s probably completely sober and thinking, “SATC 2: Revenge of the Knights Templar should be enough to kill off

Oh Martha Stewart is a whole other league. A friend of mine is a very accomplished home cook and no Martha Stewart challenge is too tough. She once made a dessert that took THREE DAYS. Not active, active time is manageable, but at two different points you have to put ingredients in the fridge to chill overnight. I

As katie_keys mentions above it’s mostly about practice, and techniques and tips you learn along the way. Baked Alaska is a huge pain in the ass, but that’s because of the meringue, which I kind of hate because great effort yields such underwhelming results. It’s a glorified Carvel Ice Cream Cake.

You bake your own delicious-looking fancy breads. You are anything but lazy. 

I do and that’s odd, it’s pretty straightforward:

I will say, as someone who likes being relaxed, that I am happier and more relaxed now that he’s out of the White House and has been “deplatformed.” And I’m not on Twitter, I never really saw the point, same with Facebook and Instagram and God knows how many other platforms are out there.

Oh that sounds delicious. I’ve made chocolate ones (and I meant to say that they’re “time consuming”, not just “consuming”) but my only recipe is the one I got years ago from the mother of a friend of mine, from observation, and she also taught me how to make variants. She is the queen of the babka and she’s still

Have you ever made a babka? I’ve made a few. They’re a little consuming and they put the bundt pans to good use.

[Redacted. I thought this was a reference to the Sex and the City timeline.]

I had the same instinctive reaction to our Arctic conditions: blast that oven! I made a huge amount of baked chicken parmigiana with a marinara sauce that I took about 90 minutes with because I was in no rush. So much mozzarella. We happened to have a large stock of penne so I served with that. A good amount of

“Lillian’s a good time gal. Liked the finer things in life. Champagne, furs, fast cars. Took up with a fella named Fisheye McGoon. Oh, he could see alright, but it was like he could see trouble comin’ a mile away, and from all sides. Runs a coupla rackets down at the docks, but penny-ante stuff. G-men pulled him in a

How very film noir. Did you work for Philip Marlowe? Did good-lookin’ dames often show up in distress? Was there a super-efficient, matronly secretary/office manager who could type 120 words per minute on the Underwood? Was this in LA?

Did the guy who hired you have experience working in a turn-of-the-20th-century prison? Pointlessly breaking and moving rocks was often part of the sentence. That’s where the phrases “Go break rocks” and “to do hard labor” or “do hard time” come from.

I’m 90 out of 100. The way the rollout in NYC has been botched I estimate I should be vaccinated sometime around summer, 2023.

Johnny Cash was born in Arkansas.

I once read a profile of someone that went something like, “They have one eye fixed firmly on the present and the other focused on the future.”