Evangelical hot?
Evangelical hot?
I did! I meant to write you back at the other address but, you know, having been basically unemployed for the last 8 months I’ve been SO busy. You know what I (used to) do for a living so you can imagine how that’s going. Our only hope is that there is demand building up and once the pandemic subsides or goes away the…
Kinja—I don’t know why I go through these periods where my posts are doubled, and then the problem goes away. There was a weird one over on GroupThink where I posted a comment about common, modern misconceptions about what the first Europeans must have thought about arriving in North America. It posted, a comment or…
Happy early birthday! As you must know your birthday, now called Veterans Day, was originally Armistice Day, to celebrate the anniversary of the end of WWI. Let’s hope that by 11/11 The Enemy Within will have laid down their arms and we can have a Return to Normalcy.
Happy early birthday! As you must know your birthday, now called Veterans Day, was originally Armistice Day, to celebrate the anniversary of the end of WWI. Let’s hope that by 11/11 The Enemy Within will have laid down their arms and we can have a Return to Normalcy.
I drank loads of it in college because we had a campus convenience store/co-op that sold it at cost. It did something to me, I can’t remember what the symptoms were exactly, and the first thing the campus doctor asked me was how much Diet Coke I was drinking. I stopped drinking it, the symptoms cleared up, and I…
I actually find the Scranton references kind of beside the point but I know why he makes them, all-American blue collar background. The Biden family moved to Delaware in 1953 (67 years ago) when Joe was 10 or 11. By the way his birthday is on November 20th and I hope by then he and we will have something great to…
The LATEST tab is your best friend so enjoy it while you have it. I’m sure they’ll take it way soon enough in the mistaken belief that people will stick around whether it takes one click or five to actually get what they want. What else could explain the decision to install the “Click to see replies” button or…
The LATEST tab is your best friend so enjoy it while you have it. I’m sure they’ll take it way soon enough in the mistaken belief that people will stick around whether it takes one click or five to actually get what they want. What else could explain the decision to install the “Click to see replies” button or…
Donald Trump allegedly drinks 12 cans of Diet Coke A DAY and has freely admitted it. He also famously doesn’t drink alcohol. I believe both these things are true. It would go a long way toward explaining the manic edginess and the 5 AM tweets.
I wish you could speak to my husband. He has this group of college friends (we’re not young; college is long behind us) he insists on keeping up with. I’ve met them all, and they’re perfectly nice. The thing is they never reach out to him, he does all the work. There’s no animosity, apparently they do this to each…
I wish you could speak to my husband. He has this group of college friends (we’re not young; college is long behind us) he insists on keeping up with. I’ve met them all, and they’re perfectly nice. The thing is they never reach out to him, he does all the work. There’s no animosity, apparently they do this to each…
My mother had an overweight, elderly beagle that had a section of the backyard fenced off for him. I don’t know how he did this but he regularly brought back “dinner”. I was up there once and he came back with a half-dead bat. “I’ll deal with this Mom. Where’s that shovel that weighs 100 lbs.?”
I don’t know why but one of the things I can’t do is cook a whole chicken.* I gave up long ago. Whenever I need shredded chicken I pop down to the grocery store and get one of their rotisserie chickens. It always seems to be the perfect temperature.
Speaking of William Holden and drinking, you do know how he died, don’t you? Maybe that’s what made you think of him. (He was very drunk, tripped on a rug, banged his head on a table, and bled to death. Very sad. He was only 63.)
I can’t imagine anything less erotic than roleplaying the 2020 election with senior New Yorker writers. Toobie must be one very strange fellow indeed. But to each his own kink, I suppose.
I had an Italian friend who was connected to the Italian Embassy in DC. DC has no Little Italy as far as I know. I invited her to visit me in New York, where there was a Little Italy but since her visit, 30 years ago, it has shrunken to a kind of mini-theme park. There was a market and I said, “Howzabout this? If you…
I make a ton of “Italian” (I’m not Italian) food and have served it to legit Italian friends. I try to avoid this because my friends are adventurous eaters but I can’t help myself. “Matteo, this isn’t exactly Italian, I think you were going for X, but this is better in a way.” “I didn’t have any Y so I substituted Z.”…
You do the Feast of the Seven Fishes?! I’ve never done one myself but I’ve been the sous chef/scullery maid on a couple. An excellent tradition and one that should be more widely adopted.
There is nothing I love more in the world than a hearty ragù and egg noodles. Have you ever made your own ricotta? I’ve done it before out of boredom. It’s really simple and can save a lot of money, but you need cheesecloth. If you do things slightly differently you can make your own cheese curds and cottage cheese. I…