
that was the most we'd actually seen of him on the show so far. He had seen his ass many times but not much about the real him. Although how can a couple spend years together and never talk about their mother's death?

Cole in on the down low. On wednesday, after listening to Ed Sheeran at the lobster roll, Cole had the urge to go see Oscar. They both had sex while Oscar's wife was too busy breastfeeding. They have been having an affair since the beginning which will be a big twist later. That is why after seeing Oscar at the pub

they made noah stab himself in the neck from their stupidity. It was just a WTF scene. Such obnoxious students

i didn't really get the blow job story, the girl did not consent but wasn't forced? just dont give that blow job if you aren't being forced. Wtf i dont get it

yeah but he specifically says "im 50 now it was 30 years ago" which means he was 20 and his sister was…? So what incest? because she had the dad staying at her house before so no way they had incest going on

the actors are the same age so they should have been. Noah has more wrinkles from all the fucking

even better, the boy with the glasses pov…goes to the hospital and doesnt even care his dad looks half dead..

no one saying anything about the fact that he has some kind of flashback where he seems to be running near some train tracks? like he tried to escape? was being chased by the guy who was just some sadist playing mind games with him in prison? like the way noah reacted when he saw the drawing from his daughter after

but its weird since they seemed like a committed couple before and he even went to the trial and on a safari with her. so this whole time he was just sleeping in her basement? kinda weird

does anyone else have a feeling she might have gone to some kind of religious group/cult? she looked pretty weird when she mentioned they helped her and when she was on the phone talking about how she froze when she saw cole and joanie at the school she gave me the feeling she was talking to someone who was slightly

in the first episode of this season Jessa mentions the rain at Marnie's wedding being good for fertility. Then when Adam visits his sister and holds the baby she tells him he should have one and he says yeah maybe and that he likes someone. Then when Jessa leaves her meeting with the women that woman tells her "thats