
This is the context a woman was fired from her job for tweeting a woman or man cannot change their sex. A judge then upheld the firing claiming her views were “Absolutist”. Here is where I think the discussion is getting a little outlandish. There is two concepts, “sex” and “gender” which while related I would argue

Commercial surrogacy should be outlawed because that system makes poor women a prime target for exploitation.

Yeah. I mean, fuck pro-life people but surrogacy can be problematic. Does anyone remember that Australian couple who went to India to get cheap surrogacy, the woman was having twins, one of the twins had downs syndrome and they just left him with the surrogate mother? And then later it turned out that the dad was a

gestational surrogacy would have ‘grave effects on society, including diminished respect for motherhood and the unique mother-child bond; exploitation of women; commodification of gestation’

Yes, there are. OTOH, I haven’t really met any lesbians who agree with that logic. Even the lesbians who are partnered with trans women with penises seem to disagree with that logic and understand if lesbian means no penis to others. So I think casting that particular viewpoint as something only a TERF would believe

...Are there actually people who think it's transphobic if a lesbian doesn't want to sleep with someone who has a penis?

I totally understand what you’re saying. Personally, I try to do a lot, as well as attempt to educate others, as a science communicator, about just how massive and life-threatening a problem this is. Should I pat myself on the back? Is it “enough”? No, of course not. What could possibly be enough at this point?

Nah man, you guys are the ones raising badass Zoomer kids. Us Millennials had fucking BOOMERS as parents; what chance did we have not to be total fuckups?!? We owe you guys a debt of gratitude.

THIS! I saw an article compare it to music from the 60s and almost lost it - turn that 6 right around people, lover is all 90s! Did you notice the archer also resembles another 90s song?? I both like and am appalled by how closely she’s skirting the line here.

me on gchat at 9:52 am: i started listening to lover but it just made me want to listen to fade into you

“We can leave the Xmas lights up ‘til January.”

A whole generous B- for what is, as far as I’m concerned, the best show on TV and certainly the most centered around women’s experience of any show I’ve ever seen. I see parallels to Breaking Bad, another show I loved, and yet can’t help but notice people are far more unforgiving toward June, living in a literal

Tell Us About a Horrifying Thing Your Fuck Buddy Has in Their Home


Wanting and not being able to carry a child is sad, yes, but that does not give anyone the right to buy another woman’s body . Since it’s always rich to poor, it is exploitative and I shudder at the entitlement that is behind thinking it is okay to use another human this way. Poorer women are not there to breed

It is beyond me how a society could legalize surrogacy when sex work is illegal.

I agree, as I stated above in a response above. I should have clarified and been a little less crude.

Actually, I really should have stated that I don’t see this as an issue for people who don’t know their family. I get that. I apologize. That was ignorant of me. Many of my friends and coworkers have done this and they know their heritage and are close with almost all their living relatives (and were close with

Cause some of us aren’t as fortunate as you. I didn’t get to meet the grandparents on either side of my family. My mom was born dirt poor, post war in a foreign country that didn’t keep great records & my father’s dad was first generation in this country but died when my dad was too young to really know him.