
...including one Bored Ape worth $200,000.

Is this all some sort of bizarre performance art or is everyone involved really this fucking dumb?

It would be nice to not be the butt end of a joke for at least one Netflix comedy special while my state desperately tries to make me not real.  It gets a little tiring.

This Twinja user is using your article’s comments to spread hateful speech

What I find galling is the way he prefaces that last bit with “in real life, I support trans rights.” Ricky, you are on a stage, talking about your own life and opinions in front of millions of people. This IS real life.

Now playing

This clip has been making the rounds all week but some of y’all desperately need to see it.

He sounds like my brother, who justifies his homophobia by saying that he doesn’t want to think about guys fucking each other. It’s like he’s using reverse psychology on himself.

Picking on trans people is punching down.

How are you out of the grays?

She is far more guilty but Depp didn't sue her for abuse.

She is on tape admitting to being physically abusive toward him and has been caught under oath lying about charitable donations. Anyone supporting her is utter trash.

1. Who gets that comfortable in a truck stop shower? Just leaning up against the walls and everything.

So she didn't learn anything and is still happily antivax with no repercussions whatsoever.... Great...

This is literal conservative comedian jokes. X identified as Y is Babalon Bee trash. Jesus fucking Christ on a cracker this is pathetic.  At least Tim Heidecker is doing better. 

Eh, no big loss. As we’ve seen from the recent trial, she’s not much of an actor! 

I’m betting it had more to do with violently shitting on someone’s bed.

I can’t even imagine being Howard dealing with these two.  They’re like a couple of toddlers.  You try to be nice and do nice things for them, and they find a way to mess it up and make it your fault.  Honestly he’s had the patience of a saint with them.  The more chances he gives them, the more they are pissed off at

Netflix movies are generally terrible. Action movies with bad and boring action.  Dramas with crap dialogue.  Comedies that are mildly funny in spurts.  At best they squander big name talent on mediocre movies. About once or twice a year they release a film that’s actually good and it’s only because the filmmaker

Every day I thank the universe I’m not a heterosexual, because their culture seems super tedious.

I don't even know why I have Home Economics a chance, but my wife and I immediately became big fans. Like you said, the cast chemistry is good. But it's also the way they put the characters together. I absolutely love the dynamic between the sisters-in-law, or "the normals."