
I’m sorry, but The Last Jedi doesn’t belong anywhere near this list.

I for one can’t wait to see Christopher Plummer in Deadpool 2.

(Dis)Honourable mention goes to Kinja.

My favorite part was when Rebel Wilson fell down or acted with more confidence and sensuality than society would generally dictate a plus sized woman should act, oh what a laugh riot

Imagine being such loser schmucks that world class nice guy Mark Hamill is dumping on you. On top of it, these guys were kids when Star Wars first came out. Imagine loving Luke Skywalker and then 40 years later he says you suck as a person.

The proper order is Rogue One, IV, V, VI, VII.

I bet they have a fuckin’ SICK treehouse, bro!

Wow...America sucks.

JJ’s video on last night’s SPEECHLESS had me tearing up.

I hope Moore never concedes. I hope he shows up at the capitol on the day Jones is to be sworn in and winds up being forcibly removed from the building. I hope a female guard kicks Moore in the nards on his way out.

Now having finished reading the article, I will say that even though I have always and still think Mario Batali is a supercilious jerk, as sexual harassment apologies go this one is pretty well done. No victim blaming. No “that’s not indicative of who I am as a person.” No multiple mentions of how much he is admired.

Rory is really a terrible (fictional) person. I hate how the show doesn’t really deal with how horrible she was. Her and Lorelai make up after 8 episodes but don’t really address how badly Rory behaved. Emily and Richard are angry at her for a bit then get over it and are back to treating her like a goddess.

If you consciously voted for a abusive white supremacist because you felt spiteful that other people said mean things about you - such as you were stupid enough to consciously vote for a abusive white supremacist - you are objectively a stupid, selfish asshole.

In Trump’s defense, failing at everything did get him this far.

He’ll always be the paraplegic narrator from Oz for me.

How fucking sad is it that she can’t ask for damages without being smeared as a gold-digger?

You should always believe a victim, unless it interferes with your career then fuck those lying bitches.

Fucking hell Kate. God this is so damn maddening.

I remember when I was watching Fantastic Beasts in the theater and during the big Johnny Depp reveal, the entire audience let out a audible groan. It was interesting how excited people would have been ten or even five years ago but, now, a sizable chunk of the audience is just so over Johnny Depp.

Kesha, motherfuckers.