
Sooo… here's some random things from me one last time!

Katims said that in a deleted scene, Amber (a single mother) meets this guy (a single father) in a park, and they started dating. That's who the other kid was, for anyone who wanted to know that & didn't read the same article I did.

I agree. Like I said, I just didn't like it. It is definitely to be expected, though, yeah. That's why I also said I just hope she grows up soon. I get why she thinks that way, but I want that to change soon; I want her to know that sex doesn't mean everything (and in an ideal world, that would have happened before

I don't know, might have preferred that (only if she's not coming back!). I would rather see her die and have her family&friends mourn her passing, than have them barely try for a day to stop her from moving away with her abuser, fail, and have her exit offscreen.
They could have done her more justice by killing her,

Yeah, I highly doubt it will be reported.
I don't know if it will affect Debbie, but I really hope so.

"definitely the lowest moment for Debbie, but the scene between her and Fiona made it absolutely worth it."

I do find it unbelievable that a bunch of girls took turns going under the stairs to get eaten out by Carl Gallagher, yes.

Wow wow wow. I HATED this episode.

I was just watching a season 2 episode the other night and saw the saaame thing; couldn't stop thinking "what happened to this kind of parenting?". Shame.

Yeah, he's been around a while, but I've never seen him really interact/get to know Julia (&her family), Crosby (&his family), or Zeek & Camille.
He's just been seen with Amber&Drew recently, and then through his photography stuff with Max has interacted with Adam&Kristina.
So, things like the scene in the park where

I guess I missed the part that he's good at his job.
Not being snarky, I just really don't remember him ever proving he did it well.
(&just because he's good, doesn't mean there would be a whole bunch of people in Berkeley looking to record at a tiny recording studio. Business' led by those who know what they're doing

I've seen plenty of people say that, and then a lot of people claim that Parenthood IS a realistic show; lmao.
I think you're right though- the realism must be left to other shows, because this one is just about being hopeful and whatnot
(even though I personally would prefer it not to be. Not all the time). This is

It would be so great if Max did stop them during one of their ridiculous speeches and say "I know I don't get everything, but I'm not that naive. Shut up, parents. You're wrong."

True, but I completely blocked out Kristina running for Mayor. Man, that was ridiculous.
I still think that, yes, it is stupid to continue on with a business that is failing, when you really want out, simply so your Brothers feelings don't get hurt, though.
So- I agree with Kristina being mad at Jasmine, but yeah, she's

Right, I just found it strange that someone Sarah was engaged to that she had been dating for sometime, that everyone knew better, was felt less welcome than Hank, who they all barely know and she quickly got engaged to. They all just seemed really okay with it right away, while weary of Mark.

I never said that it never happens, and when it does happen, Great! Good for everyone! Like I said, I don't know why it bothers me so much, I'm just annoyed by TV characters getting to make the rounds, getting to finish and fulfill everything they wanted to do before they die, because of how rarely people actually

Amber was legit confused as to why he wouldn't blow off studying to go 'party' with her a few eps back, so I kinda don't think that excuse would fly with her = / .

Oh gosh, I REALLY do NOT want to be someone who defends Kristina Braverman, but I wouldn't call her reasons selfish- I would say its Crosby&Jasmine that are being selfish.
Adam&Kristina have been thinking about how the business is tanking and they need good ways to support their family (shouldn't have started that

Congrats, Zeek! You get to meet your grandson and have him named after you, and walk your last single child down the aisle before you die! It's not at all super cliche and obvious! Will you also have one last chance to take your wife to Paris, too?!
(I don't know why this bothers me so much, but it REALLY does).

"They basically validated every bad decision she ever made in running that school by showing it to be a success."
Nailed it.