
But still, it illustrates the finite nature of Mr. Rogers’s ideals. “I like you just the way you are,” he often said, but in the case of Clemmons there was a caveat: “...I just need you to show less of the way you are.” This information through the lens of contemporary culture, in which an employer legislating what

I think we have a problem today where we too often take the lens of our current sensibilities and cultural landscape and then look back on the past, judging it from our perspective alone.

I know that many aren’t really fans here, but I loved Anthony Bourdain. I read his book many years ago and related to him so deeply. A person that also struggled with drugs and depression. This makes me really sad.


Far be it from me to defend Morrissey, even as a former diehard teenage fan, but I’ve read that a lot of the humorously specific things on riders are actually treats for crew members and not a long list of demands from primadonna performers.

I agree that this is a really clunky slogan that doesn’t make much sense, but I think it’s supposed to be a reference to the book/movie “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask)”. It’s still pretty clunky but maybe makes a little more sense in that context?

Get help

I beg to differ

This was great but I’m so excited for the later seasons when you remember Smith and Dr. Robert and Jezebel prints a retraction for declaring Steve the hottest.

I feel like this take was pretty much on the physical appearance of the guys though. Yeah, Berger was whack as a man, but he was good looking, well dressed and had a very sexy aura.

Steve was the woooooooorst. By a longshot. Big was at least up-front about being an asshole. So was Aleksander (to an extent). If someone were to write Steve’s character today, we would all be calling him the stereotypical “Nice Guy” who actually sucks. He whines all the time, nags Miranda for working (even when she’s

THIS. This is the correct take.

Steve was the whiniest one and he acted like a 12 year old.

This is the worst take of the week.

When some conservatives point to the past as a time when women were revered, respected, and safe, it’s important to remember how much of the violence and abuse was simply not noticed or recorded.

So you want nothing new at all? Just the same characters over and over again?

I was one of the few who saw Solo this weekend, and I thought it was pretty bad. Definitely the worst of the Disney films.

This is fine and everything, but once you’re past level 5 you’re not likely to seek help anyway, because what’s the point? They can’t do anything for you anyway, right? When you get to that point you just don’t want to waste people’s valuable time with your mental garbage and worthless presence.

I have been an Audible subscriber from the very beginning, the type of account I have is not offered any more. I have found their service to be outstanding - even after they were acquired by Amazon. I was really worried when I heard the news that they were being purchased, but it has stayed constant. The other day