
So, she actually didn’t cancel the interview?

Kim regularly makes statements in support of gun control, planned parenthood, and Black Lives Matter. And has for a long time. It takes up a good chunk of her social media.

What a story that would be!

I dislike Patton Oswalt (as a comedian I have nothing against him as a human being) but he did get it published after her death.

Eh, I bet you could fire a cop for shoplifting today a lot quicker than for killing unarmed black kids.

And he would have gotten away with it too if not for those meddling people with brains and basic levels of common sense.

Have they ever gone with the less well known superhero persona? There is no John Stewart Green Lantern movie. No Miles Morales Spiderman.

I wish to God they didn’t get Scarlet and included The Wasp, instead.

Probably not that many though. They were likely carefully selected from the Jness group. 

No, that was required to gain admission to DOS, which is the sex slave stuff. But before that there was introduction to Jness, which was the all female wing of Nxivm. So, there was a very long period of grooming and trust building while these women were in Jness before they got to the collateral and branding involved

“Thanks, but I’d prefer not to be associated with you.”- The Devil to his Advocates.

Also, you deserve better.

In the same boat and I only wear mine when I’m driving or watching something with subtitles.

How’d you get a dinosaur?

That’s really really shitty. I’m so sorry. In my experience, younger kids usually get less pictures and stuff like that as parents realize every single thing a baby does isn’t special. But it’s not actually caring less or being less involved in meaningful ways. What your parents are doing is not OK and not normal. And

They aren’t at a Klan rally together. What exactly do you think you are proving?

What does age have to do with acting ability? She’s currently a better actor than he currently is.

Strongly agree.

Not true I act like a lost weight all of the time.

That doesn’t seem like all that proportional a punishment...