Why "Great Job, Internet" Doesn't Deserve Your Hatred
Why "Great Job, Internet" Doesn't Deserve Your Hatred
I got neither drunk nor laid, but I did get Indian food and watched a bunch of Downton Abbey episodes on the couch with my wife, and considering how things were going with us in 2015, I'm going to call that a win.
This piece of shit year can't end fast enough for me. I hope 2016 isn't as awful as I think it might be, but in any case, thank you, all of you, on the payroll and in the commentariot, for providing one of the few truly bright spots in a terrible, terrible year. Good luck and godspeed all of you.
Didn't these dorks just get a spaceship movie like two weeks ago? Now they want to make another one with their own money?
I'd love it if she had a weekly, or even monthly, podcast. Something like WTF with even fewer fucks given.
My wife and I usually ring in the new year with a movie. I wonder how hard it would be to talk her into seeing this instead of Star Wars.
I was preparing to comment on a band calling itself the 12 Penetrators existing in the 1950s when your post came up.
It can be two things.
I'm not seeing a downside.
Well, sand is coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.
I think we can take that as a given in this case.
Sucky Pro-Jesus Songs Week, brought to you by Duracell.
Or Blues Traveler. They have the word "blues" right there in the name, so you know it's for real.
So, no room on the list for Warren Zevon's cover of Jesus Was A Crossmaker or pretty much anything by Van Morrison? Sure.
I do love that story. It's probably my favorite of James's late career works, although I have a soft spot for "Rats" despite that being almost more a sketch than a story. I think I'll put myself to bed tonight with "A Story of a Disappearance and an Appearance" what with the Christmastime setting and all.
Merry whatever you want day. Go read ghost stories to impressionable children, especially if they belong to siblings and friends.
We make up for it with Columbus Day, which is filled with innocent joy and universal camaraderie.
I think we got complacent after winning the TekWar so easily.
Do I have to do the family part first or can I just head over there now? I'm not looking forward to this weekend.
I realize that this list is made up of series rather than individual episodes, but I'm going to take the absence of the Bones/Sleepy Hollow crossover as a tacit endorsement on the part of the A.V. Club.