Count Erpoint


I'll allow it.

Avenged Sevenfold was not in THE WIZARD OF OZ!

200 comments, 500 upvotes. That's two upvotes for every comment. (Well, probably more like none for some / a dozen for some. Math is weird!) Not shabby.


God, look at all of those horrible people.

Oh so hard and so much.

I hope you all find a nice place to congregate and practice your puns. I don't care if it's Disqus or Kinja or whatever, as long as you make it cozy. And then I hope to find it and reconnect with many of you.

Aw go blow yerself, Steve Bannon!

I WAS TOLD THERE'D BE NO MATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pity upvotes aren't really a thing, are they?

Finish your book. I need something to read.

The hatred is…inside the house!!!!

Right? Land Rover, this. Land Rover, that. WE GET IT! You like your new Land Rover! Sheesh!

Dozens of persons have spoken on the subject, and aside from a condescending tech and condescending site, um, content providers, you're the only one to attest thusly. Everybody else hates Kinja.

Saludos amigo.

They're just gonna keep on and keep on trying to make Dave Bautista a thing.
The Energizer Bunny of charmlessness.

#6 will astonish you!!!


Add $4 to those upvotes and you can get a burger at Wendy's.