Count Erpoint

Um, sure, but what about Benghazi, really? Does anything else really matter?

And I'll merely say, since you've "blocked me", conservatism is more than anti-American. It's anti-future, anti-progress, and anti-common sense.

What's your exact problem, buddy? Jealous? Or just trolling?

Ooh, all the squeezing. Golly. Stop.

I can hate anybody I want. Men and women died in WWII so that I could have the no good reason or any reason at all.

You make $50 K? You can afford charity. And you can also quit pretending you're smarter than me, who makes less than $30 K.

*slow clap*

Yes. You didn't know it was quite this bad.

I mean, look at Joel Osteen. He's so smiley!

Two things.

OK. I gave you a break. Now, I'm telling you to shut up.

Ssh. He's doing, like, a thing.

OK. Wah.

She's not forcing you.

Well, there's the whole activism thing. It really doesn't work if it's just you.

In my fantasy future utopia, VICE has taken over FOX News, and the ratings are even better.

More of a gibbons man, meself.

God's work, right here.

Admit it. You just like to think about sexual encounters.

Is this what we've come to now, in the age of Trump? The most fun AV Club thread all day has to be about the objectification of the beautiful, sacred female mammary?