Count Erpoint

Why not? They've already ruined almost everything else.

Werdup! Promise me, please. Even after the Kinjapox, you'll take a little time each weekend to, you know… watch something…again.

Fine. More for me.

If by "fascinating" you mean "confusingly stressful", then, yep. *wink*

Gawd dammit. I'm trying not to make myself too optimistic, but this whole thing may just turn out to be the tide-turning that draws Trump down to the bottom where he belongs. When capitalism starts acting even a little bit responsible all over the place, that means there was an impact.

Then There Were Three… and Duke aren't awful (at all) either.

Actually. She got bothered because her kids were listening to "Darling Nikki."

Difference being…Only some of the '70s punks were literal, and there was a simultaneous, immediate correction from the ska / world-music movement. These days, I'd wager, ALL of the fans of Hate Forest and Fuck Everybody are literal.

Wasn't he THE Mechanic, though? Why'd you erect a statue of him in the first place?

Gawd, that entire album is garbage. They follow up Abacab with that? Has ANYONE fallen out of favor with me quicker? Answer: Nope.

That's the thing about logic…It doesn't waver, whether you're a fan of Eminem or not. Illogic is the wonky one.

Fat-bottomed girls, you make the rocking world go 'round.

"The world needs more Johnny Cashes."

Congratulations on the new job.

"Out of control" is a matter of opinion.

Can we debate his toques? Because, if he ain't stylin', then he ain't got no business doin' MAGIC MIKE 3.

I have always wanted to serve on a jury. Just for the experience. I've got so far as voir dire.

Because. Doing the justice thing does not compare to getting the day off work and two-fer one day at the pub across the street.

So much for the presumption of innocence.

Among other, um, reasons.