Count Erpoint

The Mooch —- for fuck's sake —- has said the white supremacists are terrorists. I'm sure he'd say something different if he were still working for Trump, so of course it's best if The Mooch just shuts up, but still…The Mooch…Ted Cruz…Orrin Effing Hatch. When these people are saying these things, Donnie, you should

Yes. Many Boomers suck at parenting. But more importantly and to the point? Many of their children suck at being adults.

"Why do I need to have a black friend? There's Google."

Very risky, choosing the no-hyphens writing style, but it reads just fine without 'em.

The ideal would be for his arteries and heart to just up and admit even they've had plenty enough of his shit.

"Who was that other U.S. President who got assassinated? Nobody ever mentions that guy."

But, but, but, they're white! Life is just supposed to work for them!

There's also the bigotry of not even knowing you're a bigot. The inherited advantage of bigotry.

They believe we need to come together, and they have been the symbol of coming-togetherness throughout the entirety of their terms.

I blocked Arundel over a year ago. Just guessing.

Wrong is always what one can make of something.

Hey! I even own a Lynyrd Skynyrd album!

There were Nazi summer camps in America during the '40s.

Arp! Arp! Arp!

You first, Donnie. The murder of the indigenous peoples…Cherish away.

I'm speaking just for myself, but I've never believed there's any "best" in patriotism to be embraced. Patriotism is about Border, at its root. It is the corruption of ideals like Liberty, Honor, Truth, etc. into Nation, which is, inherently, a thing for one group of people at the exclusion of another group of

I'm not advocating the drowning of 10000 white people, but, damn, a good joke is a good joke!

He's the President, and there's something wrong with the United States population.

Today, there's a very suspicious "news" item going around about Trump believing Bannon is one of the bigger sources of "leaks."

Roast beef is delicious. Roast Beef, however, is a troll. Don't waste any time, Geder. Disengage and Block.