Count Erpoint

Why won't the president say "radical extremism"?

Then the shit will be all sorts of different. But it will still be shit.

I think with Hillary Clinton as President, there'd be just as many of them but they'd be louder.

Are you saying there wouldn't have been a white supremacist movement if Clinton were president?

Nope, it only applies to you and yours.

Whites who aren't dumbasses need to start identifying.

Nope. I voted for her because I had to. I'll demonize anybody who voted for him, and I'll lecture anybody who didn't vote because they were lazy, but everybody else gets a pass.

"Why are we fighting, people? Shouldn't we be at the mall buying crap?"

Jay, you're fighting the WRONG fight.



We need to come together to beat the shit out of you and yours, Donnie.

Fuck 100 years ago. If you haven't progressed from a hundred years ago, you're an idiot.

Go take it up with my father's father then.

Right. I don't like their ideas. I also don't like their faces. I don't like their fat asses in public spaces. I don't like their families. I don't like their guns. I don't like their statues. I don't like their politicians. I don't like their spokespeople. I don't like their wives. I don't like their

Coal. Buttery males!

Once they are caged, I'll be concerned that they're treated humanely.

Goo, goo, ga, ga.

Trump opens mouth, spews crap.

This is on you Trump, you fucker. You and your cretinous supporters are a pus-filled sore on the skin of America. Fuck you.