Count Erpoint


Free banana with every court filing!

*Googles "ribbon candy"*


Um, just pointing out…Olivia De Havilland was not old as she was portrayed. She's old now.

Nope. They're entirely different concepts.

If you can't call your sister a bitch, who can?

Aw, hell naw!

An I.V. drip?

"Eh. She's probably almost blind from all the living too long. She won't read it. Besides, she's Olivia DefuckingHavilland! Why would she be watching my TV shows?"

To be honest, we give five shits because our reputations were ruined by the time we all got out of middle school.

C'mon. If you get to be that old, your reputation will be very important to you too.

"I was sure she was dead already."


You can't argue with a talking point, though.

Correct, but to be really fair, it was Rupert Murdoch's media that force-sold that one.

He's so brave. You know he's fighting brain cancer, right? *cue patriotic muzak* An example for us all.

Republican voters will never turn away from Republican politicians. Never gonna happen.

C'mon, doc. You don't think McConell knows about health? Fake medicine!

Wanna know what's really insane? I read two news articles this morning in which Republican voters reportedly claimed, regarding Trump, "like his policies, don't like his style." So, sigh, get ready for that as the go-to excuse for this ginormous car-wreck we call America.