Count Erpoint

You do know that people die poor, right? You do realize entire species are becoming extinct, right? Like, at an accelerated rate since the '80s!

We? You, probably, because, obviously, you're contented. Maybe all the contented people you surround yourself with. We, as in everyone? Yeah, right.


Go home, Pixar. You're drunk.

My bad. Let this be a lesson: If one ever wants to make a fool out of me, all they have to do is use a movie quote. I swear, I saw a movie yesterday, but if you quoted the script directly to me today, I might not get it.

Jebus Chrissy that first sentence!

Even Indiana didn't comply. And Indiana's Secretary of State was put on the commission.

Do people in Utah not have consciences?

There's a sex scandal just waiting to pop on that guy.

Conservatives are reasonable people who love their country and their Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.

Psst. Liberals aren't real Americans.

Psst. President Obama was a black man.

Psst. Hillary is a woman's name.

Uh-huh. Tell me more about your well-reasoned conservative viewpoint, you real American, you.

Well, there's "smart sci-fi" and then there's "space opera."
This is neither. It's more like "jump scare horror."

America is completely done, people. Just admit it.

They just let you, if you're a star.

(or potentially even commit voter fraud)
Why do you think they want it? I mean, seriously. Come on!

*slow clap*

Good for the actor and his personal life, but, um, Bryan Fuller gets to skate on this?