Count Erpoint

Obama's thinking, "Finally! People have been thanking me, but it was Bowie all along!"

I dropped a doodie. I let it go.

Yeah. They just keep acting defensively whenever they're told they're idiots and they're to blame for Trump. Gawd, what imbeciles.

Asking because I'm ignorant: Have corporate, charter, private, faith-based schools pushed their adherence to those laws? Because, in this environment, with this Supreme Court and the federal judges Trump will appoint, all it's going to take is one of those "for profit" conservative schools to push the issue.

I'd have to read that article, because I'm really curious as to how anyone can define what Trump wants of people as "better."

Bubbles are all we have left.

That's the traditional GOP platform.

People aren't nearly as afraid of communism, apparently, now that we're sleeping with Putin.

I'm with you except for your last sentence. The future of a party I want to support is one that is as removed from the Democratic Party establishment as it can be without rejecting some of its past accomplishments.

I'm still hoping Trump implodes. Then the weak Democrats will only have to face the weaker Pence.

You know what? If her reputation isn't deserved, it was up to her to convince people. She should've been doing that every time she opened her mouth instead of complimenting Kissinger, Nancy Reagan, and Ivanka Trump, or soft-soaping Wall Streeters for money, or calling people deplorables. Challenge her commitment

I dunno, Fancy. I mean, of course you're right, but I don't think it's youth over experience that's necessary. It's communication. It's —- first and foremost —- having real values and sticking to them and bringing them across to the people. It's not being an ambitious politician who has focus groups and adjusts

I really hate myself when I agree with you, Jon, but, by GAWD, tell 'em.

You don't get to speak with such authority.
"You don't know better than everyone. Have some god damn humility."
You first, though, yeah?

So, essentially, do what you say. Don't use your own brain or apply your own values. Don't participate. Don't hold your ideals higher than your logo. Don't argue with the system that has put you in your place.

It's not demonstrably untrue, though. Not precisely. There are more eligible voters who did not vote than eligible voters who voted for Clinton.

Maybe the truth is there aren't any "decent" Republicans?

Campaign platforms mean next to nothing. They're part of the branding.

"Months later, I STILL haven't seen anyone provide even a halfway believable explanation of what, exactly, DWS or ANYONE supposedly did to affect the primary by close to four million votes."

Except most of the things you correctly point to have a lot of inherent racism and sexism built right in.