Count Erpoint

Nah, I don't think so. It's a completely different actor who plays Cornelius in the brief scene in which the character figures.

Yes. She's a mutant named "Aura" or something in Beneath. In Escape, she's "Dr. Stephanie," Zira's gal-pal (her biggest role in the series), and in both Conquest and Battle, she's "Lisa," Caesar's love interest / mother of his child.

Themed dining establishments are so 1990. It's all about the menu, these days.

On the bus, like one of us? Try'n to make His way home?

So much for the tolerant future!

If you gotta ask, they've already gotten to you.

Don' let it get ya down, A-hole. Kin I call ya "A-Hole," A-Hole? It's yer ineetial wit' the word "hole" after it. Haw! I crack meself up! But ya keep tryn' and them gooseeggs'll be liddle digits in no time.
Bying! Bying!

Nobdoy here will miss, ya, funny guy.
Bying! Bying!

Howdy, you're the idiot that made one o' those sheriff-meme-thingies 'cuz you thought it'd bring big chuckles, aincha? Well, ahm here to introduce ya to a boot up yer ass, pard.
Bying! Bying!

Good Lawd. We're very near peak normalization levels here.

You didn't see a parachute. I mean, he could've parachuted. Of course, he would've probably died anyway sometime in the '50s. Except for that time he discovered a Lazarus Pit! Yeah, that'll work!

Why won't you talk to me, mirror?

That baby won't go through. Watch.

The Joker? More like The Polka-Dot Man.

Man, I hope you're right and not me. Me? I think you're gonna be super-disappointed.


I think the point is: While we look for a smoking gun on collusion, that would (somehow, maybe) warrant the removal of Trump from federal government, there isn't any political will in America to go after the rot at capitalism's core and the damage done to our systems.

And, that, in a nutshell, is Trump's policy as President. "Do business with my people, because we can bomb you now." It is the ultimate capitalist corruption of government, and Americans will still, when the chips come to be paid, always back the idea.

"No. You cannot have Jared."
"Donald, we gotta have a scapegoat."
"Donald. Really? Nobody's gonna believe Tiffany."
"Not Jared! No, no, no, no, not, nyet. No!"
"Eric, then?"
"Who is Eric? Oh, the really stupid one. Eh. Take the sweaty one."
"Junior, it is."

"Turns out, everybody associated with Trump is corrupt and stupid, but it's all in service of their personal wealth, so what's the problem? That's American!"