Count Erpoint

Sorry, that's "All the Young Dudes."

I always heard it as "look for the purple van until they put us in the truck," which I'm going to continue to do even though I know I'm wrong because it just makes a whole lot more sense.

A lot of the latter, but, still, Purple Rain really should be considered a generation's Dark Side of the Moon.

Of the unreleased tracks that aren't just extended versions of existing songs, "Velvet Kitty Cat" is an oughtta-be genuine hit. You know, if radio were still a thing and "hits" still happened.

There's a (kind of) understandable undercurrent of "we should be above all this" combined with "it's really had no direct effect on me" going on. This mind-set of "I don't wanna stoop to his level", which would be admirable if the country were operating right now according to the rules of common sense. It isn't, so

Then don't go see the movie. Just quit pretending your above it from some sort of angle of justice that you're magically privy to.

That's not even close to a genuine interpretation of this situation, and if you don't already know that, there's no point wasting any time trying to explain it to you.

Well, sure, but what would I expect an idiot pro wrasslin fan to come back with?

I don' wanna hear no golf course music.

The entire thought process that leads to "change for the better" requires a smarter, far better educated, curious, and critical populace.

C'mon. I thought everybody understood what AV Club is and its position in the whole damned, grand scheme of things.

The "exceptional children" will be worse than the pus-bucket father. Guaranteed.

There's a winner of a strategy for ya! Make 'em read!

How, exactly, would "tuning out" hurt Trump, even while it's possibly a good idea? Media being "Trump-abetting" is, seriously, an abstract. But exposure of Trump's every idiot utterance is necessary. It's a perpetual reminder of having an idiot for president. Without those, Trump isn't hurt. He's just ignored

Shortly after that, a zombie walked into the Rendez-Vous —- he was named, um, New Orleans Zombie #1 —- and ate Barry's face.

Except for the Chris Tucker stuff.

Especially off set.

VALERIAN looks like a box of 124 crayons melted.

Whiny, talky, and brown.

All of them except MEMENTO.