Counted Crow

I think you’re missing a very important point, there.

Anyone who doesn’t have the skills or education to break out of working at McDonald’s, but has a family to provide for... what do you suggest they do?

I hate Uber. And Lyft. And whatever the next “ride sharing” bullshit company to come along is.

For the entirety of my college career, I—

Oh, hey, no apologies necessary. I loved your passion and your message. But if you were aiming to reply to the main article and not to my response specifically (the commenting system is not very user-friendly), the way to do it is to click Reply under the article’s Author box.

Chris Brown. Still rich? Yeah, pretty much. Still famous? Definitely. Still able to make records, earn a hefty income? Sure.

You get a star just for the Aerosmith reference.

You get a star just for the Aerosmith reference.

That you think there are none shows what a limited understanding you have of it, and of Islam in general. That’s okay. I have a limited understanding of modern pop music and wouldn’t be able to pick out a Macklemore from a police lineup. But I don’t go around bragging about that fact, or challenging his? their? fans

Radical is beheading non-Muslims. Radical is flying a plane into a building. Radical is driving a truck into a crowd of people.

Agreed on all points. It’s just doubly frustrating because it has been going on for so long and these venerable news agencies - a few of whom have been around a century or more - won’t get their shit together.

I agree, and I’m not suggesting there was Soros money flying around. I guess my point is that for years, our response to accusations of “Soros is funding your grassroots movement!!!!!!!!11” has been... “nuh-uh.”

For years and years and years I’ve been saying that the right will never actually make a move - a real move - to overturn Roe. The logic is that whipping up anti-abortion voters is more valuable to them than actually doing something about the “problem” that they all claim to care about. And so far, that logic has held

Then by conspiracy theorist logic, your friend was merely your puppet, there to do your bidding. HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT?

Even if Soros did kick in some money to some organizers... so? I don’t care if he personally bought a plane ticket for every woman in the march. Just because someone offers you funding doesn’t mean you’re beholden to them in some nefarious way.

No idea.

This is how the Trump administration will put over the dismantling of American civil society for the next four years: by banking on whipped, boot-licking reporters so committed to the performance of empty impartiality and the maintenance of access

She won’t. Guaranteed, there’s a prenup that prevents her from ever speaking her own mind about anything, ever. Just like his first two wives, who would have been invaluable during the primaries and election.

This guy is a Commander in the fucking Navy. Is this the caliber of officer that our armed forces are churning out now?

Impoverishing our allies? When did it become our duty to lather them in our finances?